Chapter 18: Time to Find the Time Twins

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"This is amazing!" Amorette beamed as she shoved another spoonful of soup in her mouth and took a bite from her rice ball.

We all crowded into a red booth by the window in the Japanese restaurant about a half hour ago, and Amorette was amazed when she took her first bite of food. Asher was placed by the window on the one side so that he wouldn't think about running, while Blaze sat next to him, and Lucilla and Svetlana sat next to Blaze, leaving Svetlana on the end. Then Salem and I both sat in the middle where the booth stretched around and Amorette sat across from Asher and Corliss sat next to her, sitting close to the outside.

"Well, I'm glad that you like the food, but now you have to listen to us," I say.

"Okay," Amorette nods, "I'll listen."

"We have proof that Evangeline is bad," Corliss starts, "Aella and Blaze were the first ones to piece it together, but they needed actual proof. When I returned back to the prison control room after Evangeline specifically ordered us to take the night off, I found something interesting over the security tapes. Evangeline went and talked to Maurine and handed something to her through the cell bars, just a few hours after she was arrested again. Maurine then went missing from her cell. I took the tape and came to the Human Realm to talk to Aella and Blaze about it and we figured out the truth."

"And I saw Corliss leave the Angel Realm with the tape, but I was not sure where she was going," Svetlana starts to explain, "So I went over to the prison to make sure that someone was watching over the cells and when I was about to leave I noticed Evangeline on one of the monitors talking to Nokomis in the restricted section and she handed something to Nokomis through the bars. The security monitors then all blanked out and stopped working, but turned on within a few seconds. I scrolled back through the footage to see what happened when I noticed that Nokomis was missing from her cell, but there was nothing on the tapes up to a certain time period, as if it never even happened. That was when I decided to come to the Human Realm to find Aella and Blaze and found Corliss here too."

"Maybe she had a good reason for letting them free?" Amorette frowns and suggests.

"She did not," Svetlana shakes her head, "Before I came here I found out that Evangeline and Maurine both want Aella and us all dead."

"Oh," Amorette's shoulders fall and she sighs while looking at her plate, "I'm sorry for causing you so much trouble, then. I should've just listened to you."

"It's not your fault, Amorette, you didn't have a reason to distrust Evangeline and you were simply being loyal to her," I say, "That's honorable to stay loyal like that."

She looks up from her plate and smiles at me sadly.

"Thank you," Amorette says, "But from now on I'm on your side."

"So, um," Asher shifts around uncomfortably, "Can I just...leave now?"

"No," Blaze narrows her eyes at him, "We need you to promise that you won't tell anyone about anything that you just saw."

"And what if I want to, Princess?" Asher smirks at her.

"Then I'll pound you into the ground," Blaze says menacingly.

"Oh really?" Asher smirks once more, "Is that so?"

Blaze leans extremely close to him and his smirk starts to falter, his eyes widening slightly.

"I could burn you alive right now if I wanted to," Blaze says.

I look over at Asher and raise a brow in curiosity when I notice the faint, pink dusting across the bridge of his nose and his cheeks. He shakes his head as if trying to clear his thoughts and scowls at her.

"Then why don't you?" He asks.

Blaze turns away from him, crosses her arms, huffs, and then mumbles something that isn't very audible.

"So," Asher starts, "Are you all Angels, or?"

"No," Salem rolls his eyes, "Do I look like an Angel to you?"

"Not really," Asher shrugs, "More like a guy with bad temperament."

Salem rolls his eyes again and crosses his arms.

"You're one to talk," Blaze smacks Asher upside the head.

"You guys are a cute couple," Amorette giggles.

"Excuse me?!" Blaze and Asher say simultaneously and both turn towards Amorette.

"Are they not a couple?" Amorette leans to Corliss and whispers.

"No," Corliss rolls her eyes.

"Oh, oops," Amorette shrugs and returns back to her food.

"So, uh, who's Evangeline?" Asher asks.

"The Angel Queen, who is secretly planning bad things," Corliss says.

"And you guys are plotting against her?" Asher asks.

"That is correct," Svetlana says.

"Then count me in!" Asher smiles and says enthusiastically.

"You aren't going anywhere," Blaze snorts, "You wouldn't survive."

"Oh?" Asher smirks and leans closer to Blaze, "Is someone worried about me?"

"You know what," Blaze snaps, "Let's take him with us. Maybe we'll get lucky and he'll get hit by a stray attack."

"Why? So you could nurse him back to health?" Corliss mutters and then smirks at her own remark.

"Amorette," I change the subject and get her attention, "Do you have any information that could be useful to us?"

"Hmm," Amorette pauses to think, "I remember Evangeline saying that she was organizing a trip to the Dark Angel Realm, specifically the kingdom, but it wasn't herself that was going."

"Nokomis is a Celestial Sorceress from the Dark Angel Realm," Corliss says, "My guess is that she's sending Nokomis there for some reason."

"The Time Twins," Blaze gasps, "She's sending Nokomis to persuade the Time Twins to her side."

"How do you know?" Corliss asks.

"The Time Twins, a pair of Dark Angel twins, were on my Arcane Map every so often and I had run ins with them occasionally. They're extremely powerful, Class Kanix, I believe," Blaze explains.

"Then they would definitely be an asset to Evangeline if she could get them on her side," Corliss sighs.

"Then it looks like we're taking a trip to the Dark Angel Realm," I say, "We'll just have to get to the Time Twins before Nokomis does."

"Dark Angel Realm, here we come!" Amorette beam and shouts.

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