Chapter 45: See You in Hell

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I run towards Basilia as she summons her staff and rams the end of it into the palace floor, creating a giant crack that races towards me. I jump just as the crack reaches me and I swing my blade down upon her, but she blocks it by holding out her hand and summoning a rune that spins in a circle of light and acts as a shield. Blaze flies at her from the other side and a circle of flames appears around Basilia's feet where she stands and the circle of flames rises to a wall. Asher stands off to the side and manipulates the fire circle that Blaze summoned, making it stronger and bending it to his will. Basilia summons a wave of poisonous fog and the three of us back away from her. Amorette steps forward and summons a giant thunder storm in the room, which blows and washes away the poisonous fog.

"Harmony!" Basilia snaps and Harmony's eyes widen while her slightly tanned skin seems to grow pale, "Assist me!"

"B--But..." Harmony stammers and looks around at the scene before her.

"Harmony!" Basilia snaps and Harmony flinches.

Harmony walks around the counter and holds her arms up as wind swirls around her and her pink and brown outfit, which is a soft, pink dress with a tail that has brown trim and she has armor on her upper body that goes along with the dress, and a pair of soft, pink flats. A pink rune appears in front of her and flower petals made out of light float around the rune as it starts to glow white. Tree roots suddenly burst through the ground and rip throughout the castle floor and climb up the walls as the room seems to turn into a jungle. As the tree roots begin to create a wall between Basilia and us, Lucilla flies towards the wall and summons an orb of light before hurling it into the roots of the trees. The wall of tree roots shakes and a few moments later a rune forms beneath Asher's feet and he sends a wall of flames towards the roots, burning them into ashes.

"We're not traitors," I say as I fly at Basilia, "We just realized what was right."

"Injustice, you mean?" Basilia scoffs and summons a crystal bottle that's shaped like a diamond with a diamond lid, "I think not."

She opens the bottle and manipulates the liquid as it floats in the air before swirling it into an orb and trying to throw it at me, but Amorette jumps in the way and the orb hits her shield and bounces back at Basilia. Basilia's eyes widen and she quickly dodges the orb before it flies into the wall behind her and it turns to dust upon impact after hissing.

"I didn't believe them either at first, but you have to trust us!" Amorette shouts.

"Believe you?" Basilia scoffs, "No."

"Corliss died for our cause!" Blaze shouts, "We will not back down!"

Harmony's eyes widen and she glances at all of us before frowning slightly and looking back at Basilia with doubt in her eyes. Blaze flies at Basilia and slams her through the castle wall as flames burn around her, sending rubble flying everywhere. We run into the next room to find Blaze practically destroying Basilia in their fight. My eyes drift up above them and I gasp when I see Alder sitting in a giant cage that's hanging from a post on the wall.

"Harmony!" Basilia snaps, "Fight with me!"

Harmony scowls slightly before summoning a whip and swinging it around before snapping it and a dense fog covers the room. Harmony unfurls her wings and flies towards them with a silver dagger in her hand that has a small chain on the handle with a rose hanging from it.

"Blaze!" Asher shouts, "Look out!"

Lucilla summons another light orb and throws it through the fog just in time for us to see Harmony stick the dagger into Basilia, who gasps in surprise.

"You don't get to tell me what to do," Harmony says and twists the dagger, "I may not be the bravest or the most out going or the strongest, but I will not be bossed around or told what to believe."

Harmony's eyes meet Blaze's surprised ones and Harmony nods at her.

"I believe in them," Harmony says, "Corliss Griest would never have been led astray. She was one of the most stubborn people I have ever known, but she was kind deep down, and she didn't take kindly to injustices."

"Traitor..." Basilia whispers, "You're a traitor...just like them..."

Harmony pulls her dagger out, which is now stained scarlet, and a few drops of blood drop to the ground from it while Basilia slumps over and her staff and poison bottle both begin to dematerialize.

"Alder!" I shout and he raises his head to look at me and his eyes widen in surprise.

"Aella?" He questions.

I fly up to his cage and Harmony summons a key and throws it up to me.

"Go!" Harmony says, "I'll tell the guards that Basilia was escorting a prisoner whenever they attacked us and they broke Alder out before escaping. I'll look after Rune too; he won't be alone."

"Thank you," Amorette says as I unlock the cage and pull Alder out, who grunts in pain in the process.

He puts an arm around my shoulder and after we fly down, Harmony picks a rose petal off of her dagger and hands it to me.

"Give it to him," She says, "It'll heal him if he eats it."

"Thanks," I nod and she waves us off.

"Now go!" She shouts.

"But where?" Blaze asks.

"Evangeline left for Hell about an hour ago," Harmony says, "If you go to the portal it might still be open. It's in the main hall. Now go!"

"By the way, take care of the horses!" Lucilla shouts back as we run towards the main hall with me leading them there.

As we approach the portal we start to go in one by one and I turn to look back at Salem.

"See you in Hell," I smirk at him and he laughs.

"That's something you usually don't want to hear," He chuckles.

"Come on," I say and grab his hand while keeping my other one around Alder's waist to keep him stable as he keeps his arm around my neck, "Let's go."

Salem's eyes widen for a moment before he smiles and nods, and the three of us jump through the portal together.

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