Chapter 8: I'll Only Warn You Once

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I sigh as I walk through the hallway with Blaze. Salem continued to ignore me all of yesterday evening after school and even this morning, which is beginning to bug me more and more. He won't even give me a reason why, he just shuts me out. Last night when I went to ask him a simple question he slammed his door in my face. It wasn't even related to the fact that he's ignoring me!

"What's up with them?" Blaze asks as she glances around at the people cowering away from her.

"They're afraid of you," I say.

"Good," Blaze smiles.

"M-miss Blaze," A guy in our grade runs up to us and addresses her while holding a paper with shaky hands and staring at his feet, "Y-you left this in the classroom..."

"Oh, thanks," Blaze says and takes the paper from him.

He yelps and runs off in fear the second that she takes the paper. Blaze and I watch him as he scurries down the hall as fast as he possibly can.

"It seems that you've made quite an impression," I say.

Blaze laughs and the two of us start walking to our next class. Blaze is in my current events class, which Cherise is also in, but she didn't get to have it yet because she started yesterday afternoon. Blaze met Cherise yesterday in one of her afternoon classes and the two got along pretty well, which made me relieved when I found out. We enter the classroom and Cherise waves to us.

"Hey," I smile and sit down in my seat, while also lying my books down on the desk.

"Hi," Blaze says and sits down in the desk behind Cherise.

"What's up?" Cherise asks.

"Not much," I shrug and turn sideways so that I'm facing her, "What about you?"

"Just piles and piles of homework," Cherise sighs, "Anyways, how's your problem going?"

Cherise and I have been calling my issue with Salem my "problem" lately. Technically it is a problem, but that way people won't really question it.

"Everything's still the same," I frown, "I'm not sure what to do."

"Demand that he listens to you and if he doesn't agree with your terms then slowly and painfully --"

"Uh," I cut Blaze off, "Whatever you're going to say probably isn't the best idea, so I'm just going to say that that's my last resort if I ever have to come to one."

"Suit yourself," Blaze shrugs.

"Hello class," Mr. Ganden walks in and stares at his lesson plans, "Today we'll be talking about how pop culture is currently changing and what some of the changes are in it, as well as what effects the changes have on our society. Please take out your materials that you'll be needing for notes."

I turn around to the empty desk behind me and grab my notebook, and while doing so I notice that Asher, the guy behind Blaze, has his feet propped up on her chair and they're resting beside her shoulder. Blaze's right eye twitches and she breaks her pencil lead while writing something down. Someone knocks on the door and Mr. Ganden sighs.

"Excuse me one moment, class, please continue finishing up the notes that are on the board," Mr. Ganden instructs.

Mr. Ganden walks across the room to the door and walks outside into the hall. After a few seconds of taking more notes Blaze sits up entirely straight and speaks up.

"Are you going to move your feet?" She asks and the room grows silent.

People turn their heads towards Blaze and watch with a mixture of curiosity and a sense that something very bad is about to happen.

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