Chapter 14: That Hurt, Princess

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"Ugh," Corliss groans as we walk to the school bus stop, "It's only Tuesday."

"There, there, Corliss," I roll my eyes, "You'll survive."

I adjust my bookbag strap as we come to a stop where we wait for the bus every morning.

"I can't believe you defaced school property," Blaze whacks Salem upside the head but then smiles, "I'm so proud of you!"

"I'm getting mixed signals here," Salem complains as he rubs the side of his head.

"Typical," Lucilla shakes her head and sighs, "My big brother's being bad."

"Hey!" Salem shouts and whirls around to her, "You're taking their side?!"

"Well," Lucilla shrugs, "Yeah."

"Great," Salem mumbles.

I didn't tell anyone that I saw Tala standing outside in the courtyard yesterday because I just felt like it was something that I should keep to myself. It may come back to haunt me in the end, but for now I just have a feeling that that's the right thing to do. It's not that I don't trust them, because I do, I'm not really sure why, if I'm being honest with myself. The bus pulls up to us and we all hop on. I sit beside Cherise, as usual, while Salem goes to his usual spot in the clear back and Lucilla sits in front of him while Corliss and Blaze sit across from her.

"Hey," Cherise starts, "What's up?"

"Not much, you?" I ask.

"Eh," She shrugs, "Not really. I'm just really excited for our Spring Break, it's getting closer, you know."

"Yeah, I know. I can't wait, I could use a vacation," I sigh.

"You haven't even been at this school very long and you already need a vacation?" Cherise chuckles, "Man, this place must be getting worse."

Suddenly the sound of shouting drifts over to me and I turn to see Asher and Blaze yelling at each other.

"When did Asher start riding this bus?" I ask.

"His family has been in the process of moving for about a month and they just moved. It's quite a coincidence that he ended up on the same bus as Blaze, isn't it?" Cherise says.

I watch as Blaze smacks Asher on the head and he glares at her. Meanwhile, Corliss is sitting there trying to hide her laughing.

"Okay lovebirds, stop quarreling," Corliss says after a few moments, "You're disturbing everyone else on the bus."

"Lovebirds?!" Blaze and Asher shout simultaneously at Corliss.

I sigh and turn back to Cherise while Blaze and Asher begin yelling at Corliss then.

"Where exactly did Asher move to?" I ask.

"Uh," Cherise pauses to think, "I think he lives on your street, actually, but he gets picked up before you."

"Good thing his family didn't buy the house next to Salem's..." I mutter to myself.

"What was that?" Cherise furrows her brow.

"Oh, nothing," I smile at her, "Just talking to myself."

I glance back at Blaze to see that she stopped arguing with Asher, but she's looking down and slightly blushing. I raise a brow in curiosity and begin to wonder if perhaps Corliss could be on to something. The bus pulls up to the school and we all file off of it. Lucilla walks off to enter the middle school while Blaze, Salem, Corliss, Cherise, and I all walk together, with Asher tagging behind and walking beside Blaze, tapping on her shoulder the entire time in an attempt to annoy her.

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