Chapter 5: Physical and Invisible Scars

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I sigh as I do my homework that was assigned earlier today while lying on my bed. I frown as my thoughts get distracted by the Spectres that showed up earlier today by school, and I toss my pencil to the side. I set my papers aside and get up and walk over to the middle of the room. I summon my angelic knowledge archive book, Vaxen, from the storage portal and flip through it until I get to Spectre.



- Fragments of past creatures who were of darkness; not born from darkness, but thrived in darkness and wielded it against all things righteous.

- May be pulled towards living creatures who are evil/chaotic.

- May be summoned and controlled by powerful beings.

- Surrounds victims with darkness and causes a loss of purpose or of sense, may cause hysteria.

- Rank three creature.

I purse my lips as I read over it before slamming my book shut. Is it possible that they were just drawn to Salem? I doubt it because he hasn't actually chosen whether he's good or evil, but maybe they sense that he's the son of the Demon King? I'm not quite sure. However, it is also a possibility that someone summoned them and controlled them, but why would they send them to the school? To get Salem? I shake my head and sigh. I send my book back just as a tapping appears at my window. I raise a brow and go over to the window, which is beside my bed, and look outside it. I look around and can't seem to find anything, and so I lift it up just a hair. A white angel feather lands on my windowsill and I pick it up gingerly, wondering where it came from. I close my window and when I turn around I end up staring at a certain Angel with brown, curly hair and blue eyes. She places a hand on her hip and with the other she swings her silver, white, and gold sword over her shoulder, which is adorned with round, azure jewels in certain places on the silver trim and in a few spots on the blade itself. Blue waves of arcane magic ripple on it and her unforgiving eyes stare me down. I roll my eyes at her and her white wings flutter around ever so slightly and her gold, silver, and white armor shines.

"What do you want, Corliss?" I ask and cross my arms.

"I'm just here to remind you of your mission," Corliss says.

"I know what my mission is, find out more about Salem and keep him from doing something that could potentially destroy the realms, or give away that supernatural beings exist," I say.

"It just seems like you might be getting off track, that's all. I mean, what all have you found out?" She asks.

"That's none of your business, but I can tell you that I've found out a few things. I have much more to uncover, though," I reply, "Besides, I never asked for your opinion."

"No," Corliss walks around my room in a bored manner, "But Queen Evangeline sent me here to make sure you're doing your job."

"She did?" My eyes widen in surprise.

"Yeah," Corliss turns back to me, "Apparently it looks like she thinks this job just might be too much for you."

"She didn't say that," I snort.

"You're right, she didn't, but I just did."

"If you just came here to ridicule me, then get out."

"Fine," Corliss sighs and swings around her sword and glows slightly, "But I did come here to tell you something: don't screw up like you did with Tala."

Corliss disappears out of sight with a flash and I walk over to the nearest mirror and slightly lift up the side of my shirt to reveal a three inch scar running diagonally from my side down to my hip. My fingers run lightly along it and I stare at it in the mirror. I close my eyes and start to think back to the incident with Tala a month ago.

"Tala!" I screamed as I flew through the room at her, my sword unsheathed and determination burning in my eyes.

The sorceress with blue locks and silver apparel whirled around and her grey eyes met mine. She automatically sent up an arcane force field, which I shattered to pieces when I flew into it, which gave her time to draw her curved, obsidian dagger.

"My fight is not with you, but if you attack me, then I must defend myself," Tala said.

"Your fight is with me if you're against Queen Evangeline," I said as I swiped at her and she jumped out of the way.

"You don't understand, she has you mesmerized by the thought of what greatness she is. She fooled almost everyone, except for a few people. You have to believe me when I say this," Tala tried to reason.

"You're a liar," I narrowed my eyes at her and swung my blade rapidly and frequently, "You always have been."

"I know what my reputation is, but I'm not a liar, I simply point out the truth, even to those who don't wish to find it," Tala said, "Queen Evangeline is a liar, a cheat, and a fraud who doesn't deserve the throne."

"Liar!" I shouted and swung once again.

"Perhaps you need to learn the truth about yourself first," Tala said as she managed to swipe through my armor and across my side.

My eyes widened in surprise at the fact that she could cut through my armor, but it didn't matter since I could easily fix it, but that wasn't the point. I didn't see it coming. I was about to raise my sword to fight her again when she managed to kick me into the wall with so much force that it made a crack. I winced and stood up, and as I did this Corliss flew in the room and tried to attack her, but Tala disappeared before our very eyes. Corliss glanced over at me, shook her head in disappointment, and left the room. After I got back to Queen Evangeline she simply looked at me and said, "It wasn't your fault."

"It wasn't your fault..." I mumble.

I clench my jaw and let the corner of my shirt go back down. I won't make a mistake this time. I'll make sure of it.

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