Chapter 34: Pathetic Through Her Piercing Blue Eyes

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"You will not harm him," Svetlana says grimly and holds her staff out.

"If you want to get the Snow Heart Crystal then you'll have to go through me first," Lyre says and steps next to Svetlana, who worriedly glances at him.

Corliss grits her teeth and picks up her spear, her blue eyes landing on Nokomis and snowflakes glittering in her brown curls. Asher continues to yell out in pain while Blaze sits next to him with a bewildered expression and cradles his head in her lap.

"You're out numbered, Nokomis," I snap, "Give it up."

"I may be out numbered, but you'll all freeze to death before me and then it'll just be me and Lyre," Nokomis smirks.

"Nobody cares what you think, ungrateful witch!" Amorette shouts and swings Calistena down on Nokomis, volts of lightning exploding throughout the air like a light show and crackling throughout the room.

Svetlana gasps and holds an arm up to shield herself from the blast while Lyre pulls her against him roughly and his wings unfurl around them. Silence passes for a few seconds and Amorette stands there breathing heavily, dirt smeared across her cheeks, and holding her sword out tightly in both hands.

"Well that was quite rude of you," Nokomis frowns after the smoke clears and brushes off her tattered armor.

"No," Corliss says and throws her spear directly into Nokomis, whose eyes widen in surprise, "You're the rude one."

Nokomis stumbles backwards and drops her katana, stumbling over the edge of the mountain peak and falling down over the cliff to the very bottom.

"Is she dead?" Lucilla whispers.

Nokomis's katana glows and starts to dematerialize into empty air, gone forever.

"Yes," Svetlana says, "I would say so."

Svetlana suddenly turns her attention to Asher and rushes over to him.

"What's wrong with him?" Blaze asks worriedly.

"I think he is remembering," Svetlana says as she places her hands on either side of his head.

Asher's eyes flutter open and he looks up at Blaze with a pained expression and raises a hand to her cheek and gently runs his thumb along her face before wincing and letting his hand drop.

"Remembering what though?" Blaze asks.

"I am not sure," Svetlana frowns, "But this is not something that I can help, I am sorry. He will have to deal with this naturally."

"Oh Asher," Blaze sighs and strokes his hair.

"I appreciate all that you did here today," Lyre addresses us all, "Just know that I will do everything in my power that I can to help you."

"Thank you," I nod, "That is most appreciated."

"You should probably get going before you freeze up here," Lyre says with a sad smile, "Although I must admit it was nice to have some company."

"Hey," Eira scowls, "I give you company."

"Different company," Lyre says pointedly.

Blaze stands up and picks Asher up in her arms who stares at her in a dazed and tired manner.

"Lyre's right," Corliss says, "We should get going."

Lucilla, Salem, Corliss, Eira and Amorette all head outside the cave after saying their goodbyes to Lyre, and then Blaze follows behind them, carrying Asher, leaving just Svetlana, Lyre, and me.

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