Chapter 42: Kiss Me Goodbye

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After finding out that Corliss died, Blaze also agreed that it was a good idea for us to take her back to her family instead of a stranger. And because we needed to make a stop at the Dark Angel Kingdom first Hadrian sent us there in her normal, happy manner. After a little while of traveling to get to the castle I noticed that Salem has been acting weird around me, but every time I questioned it he would just brush it off and ignore me or change the subject.

I sigh in relief once we finally reach the palace because I'm tired from not getting any rest lately and Aeldra meets us at the palace gates. She stares sadly at Corliss in the bubble and orders one of her guards to move Corliss to the room she stayed in while she was here for the time being.

"I am sorry about what happened to Corliss," Aeldra says and Amorette blinks her eyes to keep from crying again, "And I am also sorry that my guards couldn't defend against Lotus when Harmony and Basilia attacked."

"It's no problem, really," I say and smile at her weakly, "We understand."

"Yeah," Salem nods, "Aella is right. We're just glad that you're okay."

I glance over at Salem as if to say "oh so now you agree with me" and keep from rolling my eyes.

"If you're taking Corliss to the Angel Realm I want to come," Lucilla says as she walks out of the palace and towards us, her hair with a giant bow in the back of her head over top of a braid running down the middle of the rest of her hair.

"Hey," Salem smiles at her and she smiles back at him as she stands next to Aeldra, "I'm sorry I missed your thirteenth birthday."

"Eh," She shrugs, "It's no big deal."

"It was your birthday?" I ask.

"Yeah," Lucilla nods.

"Happy birthday then," I smile at her.

"Thanks," She smiles back at me and her eyes drift between me and Salem.

I raise a brow at her and she just smirks before shrugging.

"We should head inside the castle," Amorette says as she glances up at the sky, "It's getting late."

"Amorette is right," Aeldra says, "Let's head inside."

After heading inside the castle we stop in the throne room and Amorette speaks up.

"I still can't believe Harmony attacked. I mean, I can see Basilia, but not Harmony," Amorette sighs.

"We can't dwell on who or why at this point," I sigh, "We have to focus on preparing."

"Aella is right," Aeldra nods, "It seems that there is a war coming. You should all head to the guest rooms to get some rest, you'll be needing it."

Asher, Blaze, Amorette, and Lucilla head down the left wing while Salem and I go down the right. As I'm walking past the rooms in the hallway I come to a pair of doubledoors that's cracked open and I look around before going over to them. I gently push on the open door and step outside onto a balcony in the shape of a half moon.

"Wow," I breathe out as I look down at the giant rose garden and rows of hedges and the giant fountain in the middle, "This place is beautiful."

I go up to the edge of the railing and lean my elbows on it as I stare out into the night with the moon shining down on me. As I'm looking out across the scenery a white owl suddenly flies up to me and perches on the balcony beside my arms. I look at it with interest and take the envelope that's resting in its beak and it flies off back into the night. I turn the envelope over in my hands and open it carefully so that I don't rip it. I pull the letter out from the inside and open it.

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