Chapter 33: The Way He Bleeds

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"Alder? You're Lyre's half-brother?" I stare up at the two in surprise.

"Sadly," Alder says amusingly and goes back to looking at Lyre, "He isn't even worthy of existence."

"Hey!" Svetlana shouts angrily, "Do not talk about him like that!"

"Svetlana," Lyre gasps and his eyes widen slightly.

"Let's get this over with, shall we?" Alder smirks and draws his scimitar.

"Lyre, don't!" Eira shouts, "Don't encourage him!"

"Shut up!" Alder snaps.

Eira glares at him and goes to attack him with her katana, but Hadrian appears in her way.

"I don't think so," Hadrian giggles.

Another loud bang comes from outside and it attracts the attention of all of us.

"What was that?" Alder scowls.

Hadrian teleports outside and is gone for a few seconds before teleporting back.

"Bellatrix is outside fighting creepy sorceress," Hadrian says.

"Creepy sorceress?" Corliss raises a brow.

"The Celestial Sorceress," Hadrian yawns boredly.

"Nokomis?!" I exclaim, "How did she get out of prison?"

"I do not know," Svetlana frowns, "But this is not good."

"Hang on," Alder narrows his eyes at Asher, "Wait a're Asher Maddox..."

"Um," Asher rubs the back of his neck, "I--"

"Master?" Hadrian frowns, "Why do you look startled?"

"Don't worry about it," Alder clenches his jaw, "Let's just do what we came here to do."

"I can't let you do that!" I say and run up the stairs to him.

"Neither can I," Svetlana says as she trails behind me.

Eira's lips twitch up into a smirk as she watches Hadrian's blank expression and she grips her katana's handle with both of her hands.

"You two won't be doing anything," Eira says to Hadrian.

"Such a pest," Hadrian giggles and swings her scythe at Eira, "You should just go away!"

Eira leaps over the blade on Hadrian's scythe and the two continue to battle.

"I will not allow you to harm him," Svetlana says and summons her staff.

"You aren't a killer, Alder, it's not who you are," I shake my head.

"You're still trying to see the good in me," Alder snorts, "Perhaps you need a wake up call."

Alder lunges forwards at Lyre, who puts his hands up in self defense just in time as they tumble over the balcony.

"Lyre!" Svetlana cries out.

Svetlana and I run to the balcony and watch as Alder tries choking Lyre while they're both lying on the floor. Lyre winces and grits his teeth together while holding onto Alder's wrists. A bright, light blue glow the color of frost glows around Lyre's hands and Alder pulls away almost immediately. Alder scowls and summons his chaos magic, runes swirling around his hands in purple and red ribbons.

"Hey!" Blaze shouts and runs at Alder with Delphine, "Knock it off!"

Blaze tries to swing at Alder, but he knocks her aside with a swipe of the hand and sends her flying into the wall.

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