Chapter 37: Deadly Desires

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After hours of walking through the snow we finally reach the gateway that leads to the Chaosgrove. The gateway itself is silver with red and purple gemstones adorned all over the frame, as well as iron bars that make up the gate part of the gateway, which has a giant lock hanging from a pile of chains around it. Amorette walks up to the gate and breaks off the chains by swinging her claymore down onto them, and the lock clatters to the ground and rests in the snow. Salem and I glance at each other before all of us head through the gate and get teleported to the Chaosgrove. Once we arrive I stare around at the dirt pathway lined with crystal shards and trees with leaves the color of scarlet. I glance up at the ominous sky full of deep purples and reds and although it looks threatening I can't help but admire the brilliance that radiates from it.

"The Chaosgrove is a few miles from here, and we'll have to walk to it because if we fly we'll be spotted," Amorette explains.

"Well, in that case we'd better get walking then," Corliss says.

And so we start heading down the path that leads to the Chaosgrove.

"Aella," Salem says after we walk for a while, "Do you think we stand a chance against Seiko?"

"Well," I pause, "It won't be easy, but I don't believe that anything is impossible."

"Right," Salem smiles slightly, "I should've figured you'd say that."

I smile back at him and we continue to walk down the path that leads to the Chaosgrove, and as we get closer to the grove itself lights begin to flash in the sky and loud bangs can be heard.

"It seems as if Alder and the Time Twins are already here," Corliss says.

We pick up the pace and end up running to the grove and once we get there I gasp in surprise at the sight of it. Trees are smoldering, crystals are shattered, and the giant crystal in the middle of the grove is humming and radiating the same color of light as the sky. My eyes land on Alder, who is fighting an Angel that has a white cloak with gold trim and purple and red jewels, a dark purple shirt that swoops down and has a cut design, shorts that have white leggings with gold trim that are cut so that they come to a point up top, lace-up dark purple calf boots, hair the color of a fire, eyes the color of a tornado, and wings that are made out of crystals. The Angel, being Seiko, holds out a hand and her eyes begin to glow purple instead of grey from her rage and a giant white and red rune appears and swirls behind her as four smaller runes of the same style appear along with it, two on either side above the big rune. Harsh winds whip around her and her hood blows down and her flaming hair radiates the red color of the jewels on her cloak as the wind whips it around.

"Leave!" Seiko shouts and the runes behind her begin to glow brighter before red and purple energy swirls around and out of them and my eyes widen with fear for Alder.

"Don't!" I shout before Seiko is able to release the energy onto Alder.

Her head turns in my direction immediately and she seems to grow even angrier.

"Go away!" She shouts and releases the energy in our direction, as well as several crystals.

A bright explosion lets out and sways the trees back from all of the force and just as that happens I grab Salem by the hand and take cover behind a nearby tree, slamming his body against mine in the process. The crystals pierce into the ground in a deadly manner and thankfully everyone else had the same idea as me. I only notice how close I am to Salem when I feel our breath's mingling together, but it doesn't seem to phase me, in fact, I don't seem to mind. I peek around the tree to find Alder fighting Seiko again, but I can't manage to spot the Time Twins.

"You cannot fight chaos with chaos!" Seiko snaps, "Leave me be and leave my home alone! I have sworn to protect the Chaosgrove with my life and I will not back down now, not now and not ever!"

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