Chapter 52: Home

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The next day I walk out into the throne room to find Salem talking to his father with a grim look on his face and I frown and approach them in curiosity.

"Is everything okay?" I ask as I walk up to them.

"Ah," Salem's father turns to look at me, "Aella, it's nice to see the girl who makes my son so happy."

Salem blushes slightly and runs a hand through his hair while I giggle.

"It's nice to see you too," I nod towards Salem's father, "What's going on?"

"Well, my son here was just talking to me about how he loves magic and embraces it now, but that he'd like to return to the Human Realm. He's been having a few problems with that though, seeing as how he wants to focus on his magic, but live with Desdemona," Salem's father explains.

"Yeah," Salem nods, "I want to remain connected to the magical realms while still living with my mother until I graduate."

"Isn't there any way that's possible?" I ask.

"Well," The Demon King pauses for a moment, "I suppose you could summon a magical blueprint for an academy of magic in the Human Realm. It would be the first time that such a thing would be done, but I believe that if it's my son and his girlfriend, his sister, and their friends that are protecting the academy and the Human Realm that things will remain safe."

"Really?" I look at him in surprise and he nods.

"Yes," The Demon King nods, "You can find magical blueprints in the archive down the hall."

I turn around and suddenly find everyone else standing behind us in the doorway.

"Well?" I ask.

"We'll go wherever you go," Amorette says.

"For once, I agree with Amorette," Alder says.

"I'll always stay with you and Salem!" Lucilla cheers.

"Well, you can't expect to go on an adventure without me," Blaze smirks.

"And I go wherever she goes," Asher smiles and laces his fingers through Blaze's.

Salem and I glance at each other and smile before taking off in a run to the archive room where the blueprints are stored. The others follow us and Blaze scans the shelves and rows full of scrolls before picking out one that she finds suits for an academy of magic.

"Ready?" Blaze asks and turns to face us all.

We nod and Blaze reaches into her pocket and pulls out a metal device that she throws up in the air and a portal to the Human Realm forms.

"All of our stuff should be teleported to customized rooms in the academy," Blaze explains, "So don't worry about packing."

"Alright," I nod, "Let's go!"

The seven of us go through the portal and land a few blocks away from Salem's old school in an empty lot.

"Okay," Blaze says and walks up to the middle of the lot before placing the blueprint and running back, "Stand back."

We all back up onto the sidewalk whenever suddenly a bright flash goes off and the academy from the blueprints forms before our eyes. I gasp as I stare at the beautiful silver gates that are surrounded by an off-white wall that goes around the academy, which you can see over if you fly up slightly. The gates to the school open whenever I push on them and I stare at the rows of cherry trees that lead up to the school and line the cobblestone pathway, which is surrounded by grass on both sides as well. I look over to my left to find that there are two portals -- one leading to here and a universal portal that leads to whichever realm you want to go to. I look over to the right then and chuckle whenever I spot Lucilla flying around a cherry tree and examining the petals.

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