Chapter 49: Lovely Impulses

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After hours of helping clean up the castle, things started to look better. Lucilla used some of her healing spells around the place, which made it look a lot better. Also, afterwards, Salem's father told us that we could use the spare rooms in one of the halls that wasn't destroyed. He also told us that there was supposed to be a ball soon once the castle was fully cleaned up, which, with the help of magic, is expected to be in a few days. A little while after that I decided to head into one of the guest rooms and summoned my wardrobe and changed into a tank top and a pair of shorts before sitting down on the black bed with fluffy red pillows that you can mess with the little fuzzy strings that the pillows are made out of on the outside, almost as if they were like shag carpets. I sigh as I sit on the bed and my thoughts drift off to what happened earlier. How was I able to come back if Salem didn't admit that he loves me? Unless...did he? My cheeks heat up at the thought and I shake my head. It would be nice to hear him say that, but sadly I don't think that's going to happen.

"If only..." I sigh and a sudden knock comes at my door, startling me.

I climb up off of the bed and walk over to the dark brown door and swing it open to find Salem standing in the hallway, rubbing the back of his neck nervously and smiling.

"Salem?" I question.

"Can I come in?" He asks and I let him inside before opening the door.

"What's up?" I ask once we're in the middle of the room.

"I just wanted to see how you were doing," He says, "I mean, you did kind of die today...and you found out some things about your family."

"Yeah," I shrug, "It's fine though. I'm okay, honestly. I'm glad that I finally got to know what happened though. It gives me some sort of closure, I guess."

"I get that," Salem nods, "At first I was mad at my dad because I always thought that he abandoned us, but then I learned the truth and I didn't feel as angry anymore."

"Yeah," I say as I look him in the eyes, "Finding things out can definitely improve relationships."

"Er," He glances off to the side and blushes slightly before looking back at me, "Yeah..."

"Are you sure that's the only reason that you wanted to come see me, Salem? To make sure if I was okay?" I ask.

"Well..." He trails off, "The thing is...whenever you were dying I felt like my world was shattering and my heart was breaking in my chest. My mind began to spin and I couldn't think straight. All of these thoughts just kept rushing through my head and I...I thought I lost you. I needed to come see you now because I realized something back then."

"Huh?" I question.

"I realized that it's bad to hesitate and that sometimes you just need to do something impulsive, especially if it's been killing you inside," He says.

"Salem, what..." I trail off whenever I notice how close he's gotten and that I can feel the warmth radiating off of him.

My breath hitches and I stare at him in the eyes as his search mine.

"And there's something that's been killing me inside, Aella, I've been dying to do it for so long, but I haven't...but now...I don't think I'll be able to stop myself," Salem says.

In the next moment he crashes his lips onto mine and puts his hands on my hips in one swift movement. I kiss him back and my eyes flutter shut as I wrap my arms around his neck. He kisses me greedily and pushes me back into the wooden post that supports the canopy of the bed to deepen the kiss.

"Salem..." I mumble against his lips and he moves us to the side slightly so that we fall onto the bed.

He pulls out of the kiss and places kisses all over my neck before moving back to my lips and I move my hands so that I can run them through his hair. We pull apart after a few more minutes and his hazel eyes stare into my green ones as my lungs beg for oxygen.

"I love you, Aella," Salem says and I smile.

"I love you too," I say and he smiles back at me.

I wrap my arms around him in a hug and he buries his head in the crook of my neck. After a few moments he moves so that we're lying side by side and he puts an arm around me.

"Hey Salem..." I start.

"Hmm?" He mumbles.

"Stay with me tonight?" I ask quietly.

"Sure," He says with an at ease smile and pulls me closer, "Do you want to watch a movie or something until we fall asleep?"

"Yeah," I smile back at him.

And with that, Salem grabs the remote from the nightstand and turns on the tv before putting his arm back around me and I cuddle into his side happily.


"Good morning," Salem says and plays with my hair.

"Good morning," I chuckle before leaning in and kissing him softly.

He whines when I pull away and I smirk, but then he grabs me by the hips and rolls us over so that he's on top of me and he tickles my sides.

"Hey!" I laugh, "Stop it!"

"Hmm," He says after a few moments, "Fine, I'll just do this then."

He stops tickling my sides and bends down and kisses me instead, not that I'm complaining though. I gasp whenever I feel him lightly bite my lip and he smirks.

"Hey, Aella, do you," Amorette opens the door, "Eep! S--Sorry!"

She quickly slams the door shut again and we pull apart and laugh.

"We should probably go talk to her," I chuckle.

"Yeah," Salem sighs and climbs off of me before offering me a hand, "Let's go."

After we both climb off of the bed he laces his fingers through mine and I smile at him as he opens the door and we walk down the hallway together. We find Amorette sitting at the breakfast table and hiding her face in her hands as she's talking to Blaze and Asher.

"I--I shouldn't have opened the door," Amorette stammers.

"Hmm?" Blaze raises an eyebrow and tries not to laugh before looking in our direction, "And here come the lovebirds now."

"Oh shut up," I say and blush, "What about you and Asher?"

"Yeah," Asher wiggles his eyebrows at Blaze, "What about us, Princess?"

"S--Shut up!" Blaze smacks him upside the head and blushes, "Idiot."

"Amorette," I say and she turns to look at me through her fingers, "What was it that you wanted?"

"I was going to ask you to go dress shopping," Amorette sighs and moves her hands away from her face, "But then I saw you and Salem in"

"Oh," I contemplate the thought for a moment, "Sure. When?"

"Later today?" Amorette asks, "I already asked Blaze and Lucilla and they're going too."

"Okay," I nod and find myself smiling as Blaze chases Asher around with a frying pan for throwing ripped up pieces of bread at her.

Dress shopping, huh? I wonder how that'll go.

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