Chapter 51: Dancing Into Information

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A few days later after some more cleaning up and decorating, the palace becomes ready for the ball, which is today. I got another letter from Svetlana yesterday and I wrote one back to her, hoping that she'd get it soon. As of right now I'm sitting in Amorette's guest room and she's already changed into her dress and had her hair curled and is currently doing my hair. I look down at my lap and play with my dress while she does my hair. Meanwhile, Lucilla had her hair put up in a french braid with a ponytail, and a white bow was placed on the band that's holding her ponytail up. Blaze had her hair done so that a giant braid runs down on top of the rest of her hair in the back of her head, and a medium sized braid runs over top of that braid and goes across instead of up and down.

"I can't wait for you to see your hair!" Amorette beams as she adds the finishing touches to my hair, "And done!"

Amorette places the curling iron back down on the dresser and motions for me to look up in the mirror. I look up and gasp whenever I see my hair, which is up in a ponytail and the strands that were left hanging around my face were curled and a clip full of jewels that matches my dress was added to my hair.

"It looks beautiful," I smile, "Thanks."

"No problem," Amorette chuckles and turns off the curling iron.

"Well," Blaze starts, "Are we ready now?"

"I'd say so," Amorette nods.

"What about our shoes?" Lucilla asks.

"Oh," Amorette looks startled for a moment, "I almost forgot about getting our new shoes on."

Amorette goes to her closet and pulls out four boxes each containing a pair of shoes that match our dresses.

The four of us went shopping again yesterday for shoes to match our dresses. Amorette picked out a pair of purple wedges, Lucilla got a pair of white heels that have straps which wrap around her legs as they go up, Blaze got a pair of black wedge boots, and I got a regular pair of black heels where the heels are in the shape of a rune that symbolizes strength and they're tie-dyed so that the heels are blue and green to match the other layers of my dress.

We all put on our new shoes before making sure that we didn't accidentally leave anything turned on that could cause a fire or flood the room on before heading out to walk to the ballroom. Once we reach the entrance to the ballroom we find Alder, Asher, and Salem all waiting for us. Neither of them decided to change their hairstyles, but they're all wearing tuxes. Alder is leaning against the wall with his arms crossed while Asher is standing on the other side of the door next to Salem. Blaze's eyes trail to Asher's shoes and she snorts.

"Yes?" Asher muses as he stares at his girlfriend.

"You're wearing converse," Blaze says and her eyes trail back up to his, "With a a ball...why am I not surprised?"

"Because I'm Asher Maddox?" Asher raises a brow and offers a hand to Blaze.

"That you are," Blaze sighs and takes his hand.

"By the way," He says as they walk through the doors, "You look beautiful, Princess."

"W--Whatever," Blaze huffs and yanks on his arm and drags him across the ballroom.

"Alright," Alder says and walks up to Amorette before linking his arm through hers and attempting to drag her through the doors, "Let's go."

"Excuse me?!" Amorette shouts, "What do you think you're doing?!"

"Trying to take a pretty girl to a ball," Alder shrugs, "Don't get the wrong idea, it's not like I care about you, but I can put up with you."

Amorette glares at him before sighing.

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