A Wonderful Day

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As Hetalia and I were cleaning up my mom came in smiling.

"So how did everything go?" Mom asked.

"Well Heta was eating the cookie dough." I said as I cleaned the counter.

"Hey! It's not my fault it's good!" Hetalia laughed. "I have a sweet tooth!"

"Aww adorable." Mom said laughing. "Well you guys can do something else and I'll clean the rest of the kitchen and I'll tell you when the cookies are done."

"Ok." I said walking off. "I'll show you my room."

"Ok!" Hetalia followed.

My mom then started to laugh. I turned around confused.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"Oh nothing." Mom said trying to hold in some laughter. "Just go have fun in your room."

I just shrugged it off and went up to my room with Hetalia following me. Once we arrived Hetalia peeked over my shoulder and smiled.

"You have Tumblr?" Hetalia walked up to my computer.

"Uh yeah." I said kind of embarrassed.

"Aw don't be embarrassed!" Hetalia laughed looking through my posts. "I have one of my own! I can show you if you want!"

"Yeah sure." I looked over Hetalia's shoulder.

Hetalia started to type his url. Once it loaded he got up and smiled and gestured me to look at it. As I was looking through his Tumblr I started reblogging them and adding a gif to some of them. Hetalia notice this and laughed.

"Geez you have a lot of gifs that goes with everything." Hetalia smiled.

"Yeah." I laughed a bit. "This is what I do."

"Wow." Hetalia smiled. "So what do you want to do?"

"I don't know." I answered.

"Uh well your mom's nice!" Hetalia laughed.

"She can be embarrassing sometimes." I said looking at him.

"Compared to my mom she's much more happier and has a better sense of humor." Hetalia smiled. "I'm more closer to my dad. I usually stay with him."

"Oh they don't...." I was about to ask something.

"They're divorced cause my mom is religious." Hetalia rolled his eyes but then smiled. "I'm going to go back with my dad tonight."

"Oh." I said. "Well my parents are divorced too cause of reasons but my mom is trying to look for someone else. My dad was kind of an ass."

"I see." Hetalia smiled. "At least we have something in common."

"Yeah." I smiled.

Then my mom came in and said that the cookies were ready so we went downstairs. Hetalia was excited to decorate them and I was too. We went downstairs and the cookies were already decorated.

"Aww..." Hetalia looked down.

"Come on we wanted to decorate them." Supernatural sighed.

"Oh sorry." My mom said. "I forgot but you can eat them now."

Hetalia quickly grabbed one and ate it. So I decided to do the same. Once I finished I saw Hetalia filling his mouth with more cookies.

"I'm guessing you liked how they turned out?" I laughed.

Hetalia nodded. For the rest of his stay we played around and ate some food. When Hetalia needed to leave he looked at me.

"I would hug you but my mom is right there and she will think wrong and she's homophobic." Hetalia laughed. "The last time she saw you carrying me on your back she kinda yelled at me so yeah."

"Oh wow." I said. "I get why you don't really like her."

"Yeah." Hetalia said looking at his mom that was waiting. "Well I should leave. It was nice spending some time with you!"

"Yeah same here." I smiled.

"Oh it's a shame that your leaving!" My mom said walking right up to us. "Hope you can come again! It was nice meeting you!"

"It was nice meeting you too!" Hetalia smiled. "See ya tomorrow Nat!"

"Yeah see ya!" I waved.

I watched as Hetalia got in the car. The car then drove off and then my mom laughed.

"So...you like him cause I have no pro-" my mom was interrupted by me.

"No I don't!" I said as I started walking away and then I stopped. "Ok maybe...just don't say anything..."

"OH REALLY?!" My mom jumped around. "Don't worry you can trust me!"

I then walked up to my room and jumped on my bed. I started thinking. I do have feelings for him don't I? Well I don't know what to do. I'll just have to wait and see.

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