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I finished my work for the class. I sat there silently not knowing what to do. I looked over at Hetalia and he got up. Once he sat down he looked at me.

"Hey." Hetalia smiled. "Don't let him bother you alright? He won't do anything trust me."

"I still don't like him." I whispered. "And I know he knows that. Can we switch seats please? For me?"

"Sure!" Hetalia grabbed his stuff. "If it will make you happy!"

I smiled and got up myself. Once we switched seat I completely regretted it. The two were talking more now. I put my hands up to my face and took a deep breath. Alright I need to calm myself. I don't want to kill anybody at all so I just need to calm down. Homestuck noticed this and so did Doctor Who. The both of them turned to me.

"It looks like he's winning Hetalia over." Homestuck whispered to me.

"Don't worry Nat." Doctor Who smiled. "It's not like he's coming to the sleepover."

Right after he said that I heard Hetalia ask Michael a question.

"Hey we have a little sleepover going on at Doctor Who's place!" Hetalia said. "Do you want to go?"

"Ok look it's not that bad!" Doctor Who laughed nervously. "He'll say no!"

"Sure!" Michael smiled.

"Or maybe not." Doctor Who started to worry a bit. "He won't confess anything don't worry!"

"Oh and I would like to tell you something at the sleepover." Michael turned red.

"And he's turning red...and I should shut up." Doctor Who had a nervous look on his face.

"This is awful!" I tried to keep quiet.

I then felt something thrown at me. I looked up and saw Sherlock looking at me and turned back around. I grabbed the crumbled up piece of paper and it said:

I overheard the conversation between Hetalia and Michael. I know you're upset but just don't think of it. You'll think of something just DON'T kill him. We don't want that. I can already tell that you're jealous. I also notice that Michael is developing feelings for Heta. Now I'm going to tell you the truth. The sleepover was mainly for Heta and you to get together but now it looks like Michael will interfere. I can not do anything about that. You just have to get Heta first before he does. This is all on you and I know how rude it sounds but this problem is for you to deal with. For YOU to get someone that you have developed feelings for. You could show this note to the other two. I know you might hate me but I'm just saying the truth. You probably have had so many good moments for you to confess but you just didn't do it. And don't tell me that 'you're scared' or some other stupid excuse. If you would have just payed close attention to Hetalia and his actions you would definitely know if he liked you or not. Remember in the morning we asked Hetalia a private question?Well it was about his feelings towards you. I definitely know how he feels before the others did but I won't tell you. Now you just have to deal with what his answer will be. If he accepts your feelings or not. The sleepover is all we are doing, nothing more. This is all on YOU. This is all the advice I have. And I expect YOU to confess before Michael.

Doctor Who and Homestuck looked at me. I gave them the note.

"Geez he's so...honest." The both of them said.

"He's right." I took a deep breath. "I need to solve this problem on my own."

The two looked at me and then nodded. The class went on from there.

Throughout the day nothing really happened besides Hetalia and Michael talking. I can't change anything right now but Sherlock does have a point. I should have confessed earlier. There has been some moments good for that but I let my fear get in the way. I won't let it this time. I HAVE to tell him tonight. I just have to.

After School

I quickly walked back home and started to get everything ready. Packed clothes and got the bag that was filled with candy. I left everything in the living and I just sat on the sofa thinking about how I'm going to confess. I then heard my mom call me.

"You're ready already?" She asked.

"Yeah so I have time to think." I answered.

"Think about what?" She sat next to me.

"I guess you already know about my feelings towards Heta." I looked down. "I want to confess tonight. But the thing is is that another guy, Michael, likes him as well and seems to have feelings towards Heta as well. He's going to the sleepover."

"Oh I see." She gave a little nod.

"I really want to be with Heta." I said. "I want to kiss him but..."

"You're scared?" She looked at me and I nodded. "You just have to go for it sweetie. Who knows, maybe he likes you just as much, but you'll never know until you do it."

I smiled and nodded. Now I just have to wait until then.

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