Serving Detention

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"This is stupid." Hetalia crossed his arms.

"Yup." I nodded.

"Well you were basically asking for it." Hetalia laughed a bit.

"Eh well I wanted to get you out of detention but that failed." I smiled.

"Obviously. But that was amazing!" Hetalia hugged me.

I stood there surprised. Hetalia then let go quickly.

"Oh sorry!" Hetalia smiled slightly. "It's a habit doing that instead of thanking someone. It sometimes happens."

"It's fine." I smiled. "Let's go to detention before we get to anymore trouble."

Hetalia nodded and we started walking faster than before. Once we arrived at the classroom, we stood outside and looked at each other. We nodded at each other and opened the door to the room. Hetalia went in first and sat down in a random seat. I then went in and sat in another seat that was close to his. Of course the teacher glared at me.

"You, move farther away from him." She said. "I don't want you guys talking or passing notes."

I rolled my eyes and moved farther away. I then looked at the teacher.

"Is this far away enough ma'am?" I glared.

"Yes that's far enough now shut it." She glared once again.

I sighed and looked at Hetalia who was looking at me. We smiled at each other and just sat there. I then saw Hetalia slowly raise his hand.

"What is it?" The teacher asked looking up.

"Can we do something to pass the time?" Hetalia asked.

"...I guess if it will keep you distracted and quiet." She answered and went back to what she was doing.

I saw Hetalia open his backpack and take out a piece of paper. I wonder what he was doing. I was extremely bored but then I heard a piece of paper rip I looked up and saw Hetalia crumbling up a piece of paper. He got up and turned around to look at me. Hetalia got up and walked passed me leaving a little piece of paper on my desk and he threw away the crumbled up paper he had. He went back to his seat. I looked at the little piece of paper and it had some writing on it. It said:

"I will text Sherlock to contact the teacher's husband so he can tell her that there is a reason as to why I was late. He's the track coach. Yeah shocker. I'm sure Sherlock will come up with an excuse."

I looked up and saw Hetalia smile. I nodded. We then waited and heard the teacher's phone ring. She answered it. I then saw her look at us and then she hung up.

"You guys are free to go." She said slowly looking at Hetalia. "And Supernatural can you....stay for a moment to talk about something?"

"Oh uh sure?" I nodded. "You can go on without me."

Hetalia smiled and left the classroom. After the door closed the teacher looked at me.

"Do you know?" She asked.

"Know what exactly?" I tilted my head.

"Look I'm sorry I was hard on the both of you." She looked down. "He gets...bullied?"

"H-how do you know that?" I asked. "That was only-"

"My husband told me." She said. "He said someone told him. I just want to know if it's true or not. I don't want to be hard on him."

"I-I think so..." I answered. "But I don't know...just keep it between us I will solve this trust me."

"Take care of him." She said softly. "I have caused him enough problems."

"Don't worry." I smiled slightly. "I'll keep an eye on him."

She smile and then I left. I saw Hetalia waiting for me. He was leaning against some lockers. We then started to walk out of the school. I still see him limping a bit.

"Are you ok?" I asked. "You're limping and you looked like you were in pain the last class. Tell me the truth."

"'s nothing really-" Hetalia got pushed by me to the lockers.

"Tell. Me. The. Truth." I said.

Hetalia closed his eyes and quickly turned his head. I then realized what I did and quickly backed away. He looked at me terrified.

"I-I'm so sor-" I was about to apologize.

Hetalia was trembling and then he ran away. Why did I do that? I'm such an idiot! I scared him! I was about to go after him but I would only scare him more. I have to text him tonight. I'll let him calm down first.

Time skip to night

I was in bed thinking about what I should say to Hetalia. I then took out my phone and started to text him.

"I'm so sorry about today."


"I scared you and I know that. I just couldn't control myself. I wanted you to tell me the truth."

"...I did tell you the truth..."

"No you didn't. I know there's something wrong and I want to keep you safe and unharmed. I probably even know what's wrong."

"Just stay out of it."

"So I'm right? Heta you need to tell me. I just need to make sure. Everyone's worried about you. You need to tell us. Stop being stubborn."

"I'm not being stubborn. I don't need to tell any of you. I don't need you to deal with my problems."

"Hetalia please. Can't you just understand that we are trying to help? But you're making this difficult. All we want is for this stop. We need to do something. If you still won't tell us then we will only keep bothering you until you do. Understand that one day all of this could go too far and I don't want anything bad happening and the same goes with the others. Just please understand."

"I...I guess tomorrow...after school..."

"Thank you so much for understanding. I'll see you then."

"Yeah bye..."

I then put my phone away and drifted off to sleep. I really hope everything will go well.

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