Long Lasting Moment

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Hetalia and I started to walk to our first class. I saw him looking around. He must be paranoid after what the guys said to him. I decided to calm him down.

"Hey don't worry Heta." I smiled as he turned to look at me. "You'll be fine. Those guys are just bluffing."

"I hope so..." Hetalia looked down.

My smiled faded once Hetalia said that. We then arrived at the classroom. Hetalia went in first and went straight to his seat. The teacher then made me stay outside and wait for everyone to be in the classroom. Once everyone was inside she closed the door behind her and turned to look at me.

"So how is it with Hetalia?" She asked.

"I know who it is that's bullying him." I sighed. "They got to him before school started but I stopped everything before it got worse."

"Oh...well it's good you stopped them." She smiled slightly. "Keep up the good work. And please keep him safe, I know that you really care for him."

"Yeah I do." I smiled. 

"Well let's go back to class." She said opening the door.

I nodded and went in. Hetalia looked at me and smiled. Once I sat down class started like usual. We were handed this worksheet and Hetalia and I worked together on it. As we were working on it we talked.

"So what did she say to you?" Hetalia asked.

"Oh nothing really." I answered.

"Really?" Hetalia tilted his head. "I thought she would have said something about making up detention or whatever."

"No." I shook my head. "Just about not doing it again. That's about it."

"Oh I see." Hetalia said looking back at the worksheet. "I just thought it was something else...you haven't told her right? You know about the....thing."

"No why?" I lied.

"It's because she hasn't yelled at me once after the detention." Hetalia said. "It's like somebody told her about it. She always looks at me. It almost looks like she feels bad for me for something. It's weird."

"Well just ignore it." I said. "It's probably nothing and besides don't you like not getting yelled at?"

"Yeah but still..." Hetalia sighed.  "Maybe it's probably nothing but I just have that feeling."

We finished and we had about 2 minutes left of class. Hetalia got up and smiled.

"I need to use the bathroom. I'll see ya in the next class." Hetalia said walking up to the teacher.

I nodded and stayed in my seat. I watched as Hetalia left. I waited for the bell to ring and the time did go by fast. The bell rung and I started heading to the next class. I didn't see Hetalia yet and that kind of got me worried. It can't be that serious right? He's probably at the class already. I started walking faster hoping he's there already. Once I arrived he wasn't. Only Sherlock, Homestuck, and Doctor Who. I didn't want to seem too worried so I calmed down a bit. I sat down and kept looking at the door hoping Hetalia comes in. Everyone was already there except for Hetalia. The bell rung and he's still not here. I started silently panicking. As the lesson went on I could not focus. I then heard my name.

"Hey Nat where's Heta?" Homestuck asked.

"I...I don't know." I said. "The last time I saw him he said he was going to the bathroom."

"Oh." Homestuck then stopped talking.

After a few minutes the door opened. It was Hetalia. He had tissues up to his nose. My eyes went wide.

"Sorry I'm late sir!" Hetalia said.

"It's fine." The teacher said. "It happens. Just take your seat. I won't mark you tardy."

Hetalia nodded and sat next to me. I looked at him. He still had the tissues up to his nose and I saw a little red. He was bleeding. I then wrote a note to him. It said:

"What happened? Why are you bleeding?"

Hetalia and I started writing notes to each other.

"I was going into the bathroom and I saw the guys there...I tried running away but they got me. They punched me in my nose and they had a...pocket knife and cut me a bit on my arms..."

"Let's go outside. I'll clean you up."

Hetalia nodded and I raised my had.

"Yes?" The teacher asked.

"Can Hetalia and I go outside for a bit he's uh..." I said pointing to my nose.

"Oh of course." He nodded.

Hetalia and I got up and left the classroom. We headed towards the bathroom and it was empty. I told Hetalia to sit down. I grabbed some paper towels and wet them. I took Hetalia's jacket off and he did have a few cuts. He was still bleeding a bit. I grabbed his hand and started to clean him up. While I did that Hetalia's nose stopped bleeding. It was quiet. We didn't know what to say. After I cleaned one arm. I grabbed the other one.

"Thank you..." Hetalia said quietly.

"You don't have to thank me." I said. "I love helping and taking care of you."

"Why?" Hetalia asked.

"Cause you don't deserve to be treated like that." I answered. "You are an amazing person and like I said before I am willing to do anything for you."

I saw Hetalia smiled.

"I'm glad I met you." Hetalia smiled.

"Yeah me too." I smiled and felt my face burn up.

Once I finished I kept on holding Hetalia's hand. Hetalia then turned his hands so our palms were touching and then our fingers intertwined with each other. We looked at each other and Hetalia looked at our hands. He then let go quickly and was red.

"I-I'm sorry!" Hetalia laughed nervously. "Let's go back to class!"

"Uh yeah." I nodded.

I gave Hetalia his jacket and we started heading to class. That moment with Hetalia really made my heart race and I really wish it would have lasted longer.

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