What's Wrong?

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As the classes went by Hetalia wasn't acting like himself. He was quiet and wasn't his usual self. The others noticed as well and they were worried. I decided to ask once we go to lunch. So after the last class we all started heading to the cafeteria. Once we arrived Sherlock, Doctor Who, and Homestuck went to go grab their lunch while Hetalia and I sat at a table alone. I decided to ask the question.

"What's wrong?" I asked waiting for an answer.

"I'm fine." Hetalia simply said. "What makes you think something's wrong?"

"Well you aren't acting like yourself." I answered. "You're quiet and acting weird."

"Well I have nothing to say." Hetalia sighed and crossed his arms. "I'm sorry. It's nothing really. I'm just...tired."

"Ok..." I forced a smile.

Hetalia looked up and then looked at me. I was confused. He then took a deep breath. There is something wrong and I know it.

"I have to go somewhere." Hetalia grabbed his backpack. "I need to finish something I'll see you in our next class."

Before I could say anything Hetalia quickly left. Please tell me he's telling the truth. If not then I don't even know what to do. The others came back and were confused as to why Hetalia was gone.

"There's something wrong." I said.

"What is it?!" Homestuck asked worried.

"He says he's fine but..." I paused. "I just have a feeling."

"Well usually those feelings don't even matter because it's always wrong." Homestuck laughed nervously.

"But there is a chance that it could be right." Sherlock said poking at his food. "And besides Hetalia is not acting normal. That usually means that he's hiding something or something bad is going on. It's just you guys don't know."

"And you do?" Doctor Who asked.

"Of course I do." Sherlock looked at Doctor Who.

"Well what is it?!" Homestuck and I asked.

"Isn't it obvious?" Sherlock sighed. "It could be signs of...bullying...I mean haven't you seen him act strange like the bruises on his arms the other day."

"What about them?" I asked.

"What did he tell you when you asked him how he got those?" Sherlock turned to me. "Now don't ask me how I know you asked him a question about the bruises. Focus."

"He said he had fallen." I answered.

"If he fell then why does he have so many bruises on his arms?" Sherlock said. "If he did fall he would have one bruise most likely on one of his arms or even both depending on how he lands, but not multiple ones."

"Then how did he get the bruises?" I asked concerned.

"...." Sherlock looked down.

"Answer the question Sherlock!" Homestuck nearly screamed.

"Calm down." Doctor Who said. "Sherlock please tell us."

"...By getting beaten up..." Sherlock said quietly. "And you know the time he 'forgot his jacket'. He lied about that too. It's likely it got stolen by the bullies..."

Everyone was quiet including me. We were all shocked and we just sat there not knowing how to react. It didn't feel like time went by at all but the bell rung ending lunch. The three of us got our stuff and started to head to our last classes.

Last class

Hetalia kept limping. It wasn't a lot but I could see him trying not to make it obvious. He kept doing his exercises and I could tell he was in pain. The others did too. He was the last one to finish the exercises which was strange. The class has ended and we all left. I was outside first. Sherlock and Doctor Who said goodbye and Homestuck came out without saying a word. Finally Hetalia came out. I smiled a bit and we started heading to our first class once again to serve our detention.

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