Chapter Seven

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Amelia had no idea where he was taking her. They had only been driving a short time before Tom stopped the car.

"Would it be okay if I blindfolded you?"

"Sure. I trust you."

Tom pulled a handkerchief out of his pocket and covered her eyes with it.  He led her up a path and then took the blindfold off. Before her was a blanket spread out on a grassy area of a garden park with everything they could want for a picnic lunch.

"Oh Tom, this is perfect. It's a lovely surprise. Thank you."

"I wasn't sure what you liked to eat so I got a little of everything."

She reached up on her tiptoes and kissed him. No one had ever done this for her but she always thought it would be so romantic to do a picnic. How did she get so lucky?

They sat down and Tom poured them each a glass of wine.  Amelia popped a grape in her mouth then reached over and put one in Tom's mouth. As she went to pull her hand away, he grabbed it and kissed her fingertips.  They each filled a plate and ate quietly.

"Tell me about your family. You don't have a local accent so I know you're not British."

"I'm an American.  My father and I moved here four years ago when he was transferred here from Chicago. My mother passed away when I was 7. I'm an only child. That's it."

"Wow. Sorry about your mum. Was she ill?"

"No. It was a car accident. She died instantly. Drunk driver hit her."

Tom pulled her into his arms. He didn't mean to upset her. He just wanted to know more about her.

"I'm sorry if I upset you. It must have been awful for you and your dad."

"It's okay. It seems so long ago. She's been gone more than half my life. My dad and I are really close. We have dinner together every Sunday. His name is Connor."

"That's great. I'd love to meet him sometime.  So I know I shouldn't ask, but how old are you? Kinda late to be asking eh?

She laughed. "Yeah a little bit, but I'm 24."

"One more question.  I noticed at the concert you weren't singing along to the songs. Why?"

"Because I don't know the words."

"How do you not know the words? Why were you at the concert then?"

"That's another question. I'm not a fan. My roommate is. She won tickets and dragged me along."

"Well I'm glad she did. When you bumped into me on the street, I was smitten. Your eyes. That's all I remembered. Then I saw you in the crowd and couldn't think of a way to contact you. I was going to just show up at the address on your ID but then you tweeted me."

"I'm glad she did too. When I bumped into you, I kept thinking you looked so familiar. Then I saw you on stage and it clicked. It took me forever to actually get up the nerve to tweet you."

"And here we are.  Do you want some more wine?"

"No thanks. I need to be sober for tonight. My roommates and I always do game night on Saturday nights. So I need to be home tonight. I promised them."

"That sounds fun. Wish I could join you."

Amelia checked the time on her phone and saw she had a text from Krissi. She replied and then started cleaning up the picnic stuff. She really wasn't looking forward to game night. She knew Krissi and Marian were going to grill her about her mystery man.

"So I know we have to keep this private, but am I allowed to tell my roommates about us? They are my best friends. Like sisters. I feel bad keeping this from them."

"I'd really rather you didn't. At least not yet. Not that I don't trust them to keep quiet. I hope you understand."

"Yeah I get it. I kinda like having to keep this quiet. It's like we get to be in our own little world and just have each other."

"Are you ready to go? Don't want you to be late for game night and I have some band business to take care of."

"Yep. Thanks for a lovely day. It was perfect."

They walked back to his car hand in hand. She didn't want this day to end yet. She had a couple hours before she had to be home. She wanted to be able to really kiss him and know they wouldn't get photographed.

He dropped her hand as they walked out of the park. He didn't know if there would be paps around. He had made sure no one would be in the park while they were there, but that didn't mean people wouldn't be outside on the street. He couldn't risk being seen holding her hand or kissing her. He was dying to kiss her.

"Do you-" They both started to speak at the same time.
"Go ahead"

"Do you have to do band stuff right now?"

"No. Do you have to go home right now?"

"No. Can we go back to yours for a bit?"

"Yes. I'm so glad you asked."

Tom drove faster than he should have. When they got to the flat, they both ran inside, desperate to hide away. As they get into the flat, Tom slammed the door behind them and pressed Amelia against it. His mouth finding hers. She gasped at the sudden force of his kiss, but gripped onto him tightly as if afraid he will slip away. He moved his hands to her waist and lifted her up, carrying her to the couch.  As he laid her down, she slowly started to unbutton his shirt. Her hands trembled at the thought of seeing his body again. He brought his lips to her neck and kissed her gently. He left a trail of kisses along her collarbone before pressing his lips to hers again. She ran her hands up and down his back enjoying the smooth muscular feel of him.


They both ignored the sound, too lost in each other.


Tom finally got up to answer the door, knowing whoever it was, wasn't going away. Opening the door, Danny strolled into the flat.

"Hello- OH! What do we have here? Is our little Tom finally moving on?"

"What do you want, Danny?"

"Official band business lad.  Hi, I'm Danny and you are?"

"Amelia. I really should be going. Tom. Call me later yeah?"

"Will do, love"

Before Amelia can leave, Tom caught her to kiss her one last time.  He was going to kill Danny.

"Well, she's a lovely one. Wait! That's the girl who nearly knocked you over the other day isn't she?"

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