Chapter Eighty-Seven

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Marian and Krissi stood in the hallway waiting with Amelia. The planner said she would give them a signal for when it was time for them to start walking down the aisle. Tom kept making funny faces and making Amelia giggle. She almost wet her pants waiting for their cue. She hoped he didn't do that tomorrow. She didn't want to pee her wedding dress.

"Alright girls, here we go." Marian said seeing Liz nod.

"Should we skip?" Krissi asked, laughing.

"Yes! Excellent idea." Amelia giggled.

The three of them linked arms and skipped down the aisle. They laughed as they reached the altar where Tom, Danny, Dougie and Harry stood. Tonya stood off to the other side waiting for Marian and Krissi to join her. Tom took Amelia's hand as they walked to the middle of the altar.

"well done ladies, but can we please not have that tomorrow during the real thing?" Liz laughed.

An hour later, rehearsals were over and the whole group went to dinner. Everyone remained civil to each other and Amelia and Tom thanked everyone for making the trip. All their favorite people in one place filled their hearts with joy. As the group started to make their way back to their rooms, they hugged everyone good bye.

Tom took Amelia's hand and led her out to the poolside. He wanted a few minutes alone with her before she went to spend the night with the girls. He sat on one of the lounge chairs and she sat between his legs and leaned back as he wrapped his arms around her. They sat in silence for a while just enjoying the night.

"I love you." He whispered in her ear. "Forever and ever"

"I love you too. I can't believe I'll be Mrs. Fletcher tomorrow." She said turning her head so he could kiss her.

"I'm looking forward to it." He said, pulling his phone out and taking a picture of them. He posted it on Instagram with the caption *Before we become Mr. and Mrs.*

"You're adorable." She said kissing him again. "It's getting late. We should get some sleep. Big Day tomorrow."

"Alright. Can I walk you to your room?" He said standing up and offering her his hand.

"I wouldn't have it any other way." She replied taking his hand.

They reached Marian's door and he kissed her good bye. She knocked at the door and Krissi answered. The girls were all staying in Marian's room and Niall was staying with Haz. Amelia insisted on Tom not seeing her before the wedding and she wanted all the girls to get ready together including Tonya.

"Hiya girls. I have gifts for each of you." Amelia said getting a large white bag from the closet. She handed them each a small gift bag.

"Oh Amelia. These are so perfect!" Krissi exclaimed.

"I love it." Marian grinned.

"Thank you Amelia. This is so nice of you." Tonya gushed.

They each had their own red silk robe that said bridesmaid on the back. Amelia had one of her own that said "Mrs. Fletcher" on the back. They all put their robes on and danced around the room being silly.

"I'm glad you all like them. We can all wear them tomorrow while we get our hair and makeup done. I'm so excited and ready to marry Tom. I don't know if I'll be able to sleep tonight." She laughed, falling onto the bed.

"Well, you better try sweetie. It's going to be a long busy day." Marian told her.

They all crawled into bed - Marian and Amelia together, Krissi and Tonya together. Amelia laid in the bed willing herself to sleep.

"Amelia? You okay love?" Marian whispered.

"I'm so scared and excited." Amelia replied.

"That's normal. I'd be worried if you weren't a little nervous." Marian said.

"I know. I am doing the right thing aren't I?" she asked.

"Do you love him? Do you want to spend the rest of your life with him? Never to be with another man again?" Marian asked.

"Yes. To all those. I want to spend my life with him. Have his children. Grow old together." Amelia answered.

"Then you're doing the right thing. You had your crazy moment where you had your fun with Louis, but you belong with Tom." Marian replied.

"Thanks. You always know what to say to make me feel better. Love you." Amelia said.

"Love you too. Now go to sleep." Marian told her.

The next morning the girls were woken up by a knock on the door. Krissi yawned as she walked to the door. She opened the door and there was a room service attendant with a cart of food.

"Room Service for Ms. Amelia Blue." He said.

"Oh. Well thank you. I'll take it for her." Krissi said pulling the cart into the room. "Girls. We have breakfast."

"Oh. I hope there's coffee." Amelia said sleepily. "Who ordered food though?"

"There's a card with your name on it." Krissi said handing her the card.

"Read it out loud." Marian insisted.

"My darling Amelia. I wanted to be sure you had a good breakfast before you became my wife. I promised I would take care of you and that starts today. I love you. Tom" Amelia said reading the letter. "He is so lovely. I'm such a lucky girl."

"You are indeed." Marian replied. "Now let's see what we have"

The girls started uncovering the dishes on the cart. They had eggs, bacon, fruit, bagels with flavored cream cheese, waffles, coffee, tea and what they thought was orange juice only to discover it was a pitcher of mimosas. All Amelia's favorite breakfast foods. He thought of everything. She uncovered one more dish to find a small box sitting on the plate with a note that said 'Don't eat me'. Amelia opened the box to find another note inside that said 'Open the door.' She walked over to the door and opened it. Sitting on the floor was the most beautiful red roses. She carried the vase into the room and set them on the table.

"He really is the perfect man." She said with tears in her eyes. The girls are hugged her and nodded in agreement.

"Alright. Let's eat all this before it gets cold." Tonya insisted. "Katelyn will be here soon to do our hair and makeup."

They all fixed themselves a plate and chatted while they ate. Another knock at the door interrupted their fit of giggles. Marian answered the door this time to find another bouquet of flowers. This time they were white roses with a single lavender one.

"Amelia. That man has sent more roses. There's a card attached." She said handing the card over to Amelia.

As Amelia read the card, her face paled. She walked over to the bouquet and threw them in the trashcan.

"What on earth are you doing?" Krissi asked, shocked.

"Amelia? Honey are you okay?" Marian said. Both girls sat down on the bed next to her.

"Those roses aren't from Tom." She whispered. She handed Marian the card.

"Oh Shit." She said before handing it to Krissi.

"Uh oh. We have to tell Niall and Haz." Krissi said.

"What's going on? Who are they from?" Tonya asked.

Krissi handed the card to Tonya, who read it out loud.

'Amelia. Please don't marry Tom. If you do, I will end my life. I love you. Louis.'


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