Chapter Fifty-Six

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Marian had been back in London for 2 weeks and still hadn't told Niall about being pregnant. She was trying to find the perfect time. He was so busy with touring as the opening act for McFly. They didn't get to celebrate Valentine's day since they were on the road, but since they had a free day to spend together, they were making up for it. She was going to tell him at dinner and hope it didn't ruin their day together. She had an idea, but first she needed to make a trip to the market.

"Niall. I need to run out. I'll be back in a bit." She called out to him.

"Ok Babe. Do you want me to come with?" he asked.

"Nope. Just need some things for our dinner."

She hurried into the shops to get all the things she needed. She really hoped he'd take the news well. It was almost two hours later when she finally had everything she needed. She had also bought Niall a Valentine's Day gift. She carried everything into the house and started setting up the surprise. She was so very nervous.

"Babe, is dinner almost ready? I'm starving." Niall said.

"Yep. Just finishing up now. Go have a seat in the dining room." Marian answered.

Niall walked into the living room to find the table set almost exactly as he had set it on her birthday. Marian came in carrying plates of food for them. She set his in front of him before sitting across from him.

"I hope Nando's is okay? I'm not a very good cook." She joked.

"It's perfect. We could have eaten baby food and I'd be happy because you're here." He said causing Marian to choke on her ice water. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Fine sorry. Went down the wrong way." She smiled at him. "I love you."

"I love you too." He said, taking her hand and kissing it. "I'm so happy I have you."

They ate their dinner in relative silence. Marian was so nervous and nauseous. She wasn't sure how she even managed to eat her dinner. She couldn't wait to give Niall his gift and hoped he would get the message on it.

"Can I give you your gift now love?" Niall asked, breaking the silence.

"Sure. I have one for you as well. You go first." Marian said.

"I hope you like it." Niall said as he handed her the slender box.

Marian opened it and found the most beautiful charm bracelet.

Marian opened it and found the most beautiful charm bracelet

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"It's a crown for my queen. I hope to add lots more charms to it in the future." Niall beamed.

"It's lovely, Niall," she stood up to kiss him, tears forming in her eyes. "Here's yours."

Niall opened the box and was a little confused. "Um Marian? Are you sure you have the right package here love?" He said, pulling the white shirt out of the box. "It says "Daddy's future caddy" on it."

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