Chapter Fifty-Two

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Amelia woke up the next morning tangled up in the sheet and Louis' arms and legs. Last night had been fun and perfect. She moved Louis' arm off of her and was walking into the kitchen when she heard her phone ding. She looked to see a text from Niall asking if she could take Marian to lunch and shopping. He needed her out of the house for a while. He had a birthday surprise for her. Oh shit. She had forgotten Marian's birthday. She sent her a text.

*Hey birthday Girl. I'm taking you to lunch and a little shopping. Don't worry. Already cleared it with Niall. ;) *

*I can't wait. See you around 12 or 1?*

*Sure thing. I'll meet you at Max's Café at 1.*

Amelia made coffee then took a cup to Louis in bed. Seeing him sprawled out in bed, naked, made her stop. All she could think about was how Tom looked in the morning. Stop it, she thought, he deserves better. She set the coffee cups on the night stand and crawled into bed and traced a finger up Louis' spine, causing him to roll over and smile up at her.

"Good morning you." He said with a grin.

"Good afternoon actually." She winked at him. "It's already noon and I am meeting Marian for lunch. It's her birthday today. I need to shower and stuff. Can I borrow a t-shirt?"

"Sure. Can I see you later? Dinner or something?" he asked as he stretched. Amelia had to look away before she jumped on him.

"Yeah. We can order in or something. Watch movies and stuff." She said pulling a t-shirt out of his drawer.

Amelia quickly showered, through on her clothes and headed out the door to meet Marian. She arrived at the café just as Marian did and they hugged and found a table. Amelia was so happy she was able to spend the day with Marian, chatting and having girl time. She was able to forget about Tom and Louis for a few hours.

Niall had decorated the bedroom with rose petals. He lit a half dozen candles. He ordered her favorite dish from Che' LaRue, which he had set up in the living room, a nice cozy dinner for two. His plans were lay on the charm and romance the socks off of her and show her that he wasn't playing around, he was in this for the long haul. He placed a stuffed Donald Duck on her seat holding a diamond tennis bracelet. Niall hoped Marian would love her birthday present.

Marian was excited to spend the rest of her birthday with Niall.

"Niall, I am back." She shouted entering the house.

"In here, my love"

" Niall this place looks so amazing, simply breath taking and romantic" She mused.

"Your seat my lady" Niall grinned as he pulled out Marian's seat.

" Donald Duck, my favorite" she smiled hugged the stuffed duck. "I love it, Niall"

Niall couldn't help but blush.

"Look closer" he suggested.

Marian was speechless as she noted the diamond tennis bracelet, she had never seen anything so beautiful in her life. No one had ever given her anything fancier than a stuffed animal won at the state fair. Before she could think she flung herself in his arms.

" You are the most incredible man I have ever met. How did I get so lucky to have you love me" she asked

"You are the most astounding, dazzling and stunning woman. I have ever met; you make my life an epic journey. I want to show you the world as well as myself"

Dinner was forgotten, a few kisses turned into a hot and heavy make out session. Niall successful managed to walk them towards the bedroom. Their lips never parting. Marian cooed in joy at the sight of the bedroom, she thought these things only happened in Nicholas Sparks movies. Niall's hands found their way to her hips, pulling her closely to his chest. He kissed her deeply, looking into her eyes wanting to know exactly what she was thinking at that moment. She slightly nodded at him, Niall took a step back and looked at her for confirmation.
Marian reached out and ran her hands down his chest. She was ready to see what was behind the curtain. She slowly unbuttoned his white dress shirt, revealing how toned he actually was.

"Don't move" She uttered then took off for his powder room.

She had stuffed a sexy black silk nightie in one of the cupboard for when she had the courage to wear in front of him.

"Fuck" she heard Niall swear as she walked into the room.

"I take it you like it" She blushed.

"So so fucking much" Niall said

She did a twirl as she walked towards him.

"Well I'm glad" she said giving him a wicked grin.

A moment later Niall was shrugging off his jeans and boxers in one fail swoop.

"I am the luckiest man in the whole"

Niall pulled Marian into his arms.

He caressed her bum. "No knickers love?"

"I don't want there to be anything coming between us. I am ready to bare my body and soul to you Niall, my love" She smiled placing her arms around his neck.

He quickly grabbed her behind and pulled her onto the bed. Marian couldn't help be giggle at his actions or the fact she could felt his immense erection pressing into her abdomen.

"I love you, Niall"

"I love you so much" Niall said

Niall laid her down and ran his hand up her thigh. He loved the feel of her. She parted her legs for him. He lined himself up with her entrance, then looked at her once last time. He wanted to make sure she felt loved and was ready to take this step in their relationship. She was beautiful and all his, the glow and the slight bucking of her hips was all the encouragement he needed. He pushed himself into her and everything seemed right with the world. She was his world. As he started to thrust in and out of her, moans of pleasure ripped through her. He loved the sound of his name on her lips.

"Niall" Marian moaned out as he rocked his hips further into her.

"You feel amazing. This was worth the wait." Niall moaned.

"Just you wait" she said breathlessly. "I will show you a thing or two"

" I can't fucking wait" Niall uttered.

He knew he was close to coming and it wouldn't be the last time he finished tonight. They made love three times that night. Each time was different and Marian surprised him with some of the moves she knew.

He couldn't wait to learn every move she had.

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