Chapter Forty-Eight

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Amelia walked as fast as she could before Niall could catch up to her. She was surprised when Louis ran up alongside her. Huffing out deep breaths.

"Jesus will you slow down. I'm gonna have a heart attack." He said between breaths.

"Sorry. I didn't want Niall to follow me. Why are you here?"

"Because you look like you could use a friend since you won't talk to the other friends you have." Louis grinned at her.

"A friend huh?" Amelia said walking with him back to her hotel.

Marian was shocked, pissed and heartbroken all at the same time. She couldn't believe what Niall had told her.

He found her at a Starbucks of all places. Tomorrow morning when Niall was off at his "Meeting" she was going to pay Amelia a surprise visit. She was going to make her talk to her.

After she kissed Niall goodbye she ordered an Uber to take her to the W in WeHO.

"Room Service" she said as she knocked on the door, knowing she couldn't turn down free food.

Amelia opened the door and was shocked to see Marian standing in the hallway.

"What are you doing here! How did you find me? Please tell me you're alone?" Amelia said, looking behind Marian for the others.

"You left us all in the dark. We were all worried about you. You can't just take off like that" She fumed. "Of course I am alone"

"Where's everyone else? Come in. Please don't tell anyone else where I am." She pleaded. "I'm gonna kill Tomlinson. I know he told Niall where I was staying."

"Everyone else went back to London." She said walking into the suite.

"We were supposed to go back to London, but thanks to the fact I know how to give one hell of a blow job. Niall agreed to come to LA for a few days."

"What is going on with you" Marian Asked.

"To be honest. I don't know. I just can't seem to think straight since my dad died. I thought coming out here would help. I'm seriously fucked up Marian." Amelia said before breaking into sobs.

"How on earth could leave your boyfriend and your two best friends in the middle of a crisis." Marian huffed out. "Seriously Amelia, plus Niall said you were with someone"

"Louis. We were just talking. I just met him yesterday. I told you. I don't know what is going on. I've lost the plot."

"You need to stop acting like you are a lone wolf. You have me and Krissi. To lean on and help you." Marian insisted.

"What happened with Tom? Why did you break up with him? He loves you. You love him. We had an amazing Christmas and then you want to mess up New Year's" she asked

"Tom deserves to be with someone who is a complete mess. I am not that person." She said sitting on the couch. "I'm sorry I left and haven't answered any calls. I shut the phone off. Marian. He sent me 100 texts in an hour!!!"

Amelia turned her phone on and handed it to Marian. She couldn't deal with it all.

"Fine you want to be like that. Then we won't be with anyone." She noted.

"Remember all those night I would come over and spend the weekend with you because my parents were fighting again. You told me we would always be miserable together". She insisted.

"Yes. But what about Niall? You can't just leave him alone." Amelia said. "He will be upset with both of us then. "

"Tom is upset without you. How would that be any different." She nodded her head. "He is in LA; it will take him like 2.5 seconds to find a proper girlfriend. You and I will tackle this misery thing together. Does this place have room service? I think we need ice cream. If Tom deserves better than someone like you, then so does Niall. With Me."

"Nope. You're leaving. Go back to Niall. You are the one he needs. Good bye Marian." Amelia said holding the door open for her. "If you don't leave, I'll call security."

"You can't stay here forever Amelia. I will be back " she Said.

"Don't think I won't break up with Niall. We all have been there and thought we weren't good enough for our men. They love us, you gotta suck it up Amelia. Tom needs you, your life is in London"

"Please just give me some time to sort myself out. That's all I ask. Don't break up with Niall. He's your one. Please Marian." She begged. "I promise when I've figured things out, I'll call you."

"Fine" Marian said. Then left in a huff.

She knew Niall was the one for her, but that didn't mean doubt didn't plague her thoughts.

Amelia shut the door and flopped down on the couch. She knew she shouldn't have let Louis where she was staying. She thought about changing hotels but what's the point. Marian wasn't going to leave her alone until she agreed to go back to London.

Marian spent the rest of the day fuming and going on about how stubborn and unwilling Amelia was being. Niall took is all in stride. If Krissi had come instead of her, she was sure they would be on their way back to London. The very least Amelia would have listened to reason. Marian went on and on about the fact Amelia never listens to her only Krissi.

Niall stopped her grumbling with a kiss. "You can try again tomorrow, but now I need you to stop talking nonsense and take a bath with me"

"Are you sure" she asked.

"Yes we need to wash that 'if Amelia is single so should you be' idea out of your brain. You are not getting rid of me that easily" Niall noted.

"Okay, I'll meet you in there" Marian said with a small smile. She still couldn't believe how lucky she had gotten with Niall in the boyfriend department.

When she walked into the bathroom. She found him sitting in the tub, bubbles situated in all the right places to make her laugh. When did he have time to set up all these candles, she wondered, it was amazing. She slid off her robe and got into tub.

"You were right; I love seeing you shaved" Niall smirked as Marian straddled him.

"No touching" she reminded him then started to rock her hips.

"You are killing me here; I cannot wait til you let me in" Niall moaned.

"Soon, I promise" she said then turned around; her ass now rubbing on his groin.

They laid in the tub and just enjoyed each other's company. Niall was loving the fact he could roam her body, that she didn't stop his hands no matter where he placed them.

~Ring Ring ~

Niall cursed himself for bringing his phone into the powder room.

"About time Tommo" Niall said answering the facetime call.

"Looks like introductions are due. Who is that lovely lady in the tub with you?" Lou asked as Marian tried to curl into Niall.

"That's my girlfriend Marian, we have talked about her before especially after my IG announcement" Niall said a little annoyed Louis was stalling.

"Sorry to interrupt Bath time. I need to talk to you. It was nice seeing you Marian can't wait to meet you in person"

"You too" she said then gave Niall a kiss. "I'll meet you in bed"

Once Marian was out of earshot.

"She is the one Lou; I am going to marry that girl. She just doesn't know it. This whole thing with Amelia is driving her to distraction."

"Well I am glad you finally found your home. I know how worried you were after the band broke up aka Hiatus. So can we meet up, I need to talk to you about another football charity event"

"OK Tommo, I'll chat with you tomorrow." Niall said then ended the call.

When he got over to the bed he found Marian was already asleep. Tomorrow he was definitely taking her out to lunch and maybe some shopping before she went back to the W and Amelia.


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