Chapter Eighty-Nine

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"Oh Amelia. That dress is gorgeous. Tom is going to be blown away!" Marian gushed.

"I'm so nervous. I'm ready. Let's go." Amelia said letting out a nervous giggle.

"Let's get you married then." Krissi exclaimed.

Amelia hugged her besties and they headed out the door.  She couldn't believe the day had finally come. She was marrying Tom and nothing was going to stop her. The girls stepped into the elevator and laughed as Amelia's dress took up most of the space.

"Maybe I should have gotten dressed downstairs." She laughed. "I feel like a giant marshmallow."

"A beautiful marshmallow." Marian assured her.

As she stepped out of the elevator, Amelia heard a little girl gasp and ask if she was a princess. She smiled and said that today she was.  They made their way to the spot where the ceremony was to take place. Amelia stopped as she saw Tom walking in front of her. He had his back to her and was walking into the room. She took a deep breath and turned to Krissi and Marian.

"Um. I have to pee." She said before dashing off to the bathroom.

"Amelia Wait. We have to help you with your dress." The girls shouted after her as she ran down the hallway.

As they walked into the bathroom, they found her on the floor of the bathroom. She was sobbing and breathing hard.

"I don't think I can do this." She said between sobs.

"Amelia Michelle. You can and you will. You love Tom. He loves you. The two of you are meant to be together." Marian told her.

"What if I'm a terrible wife? What I mess this up? Oh God. What if Louis really does kill himself because I married Tom?" Amelia said crying again.

"Sweetie. We talked to Niall and Harry. They found Louis. He was just drunk and feeling sorry for himself. Please. At least get off this nasty floor." Krissi pleaded.

"They saw him? He's here? In Vegas?" Amelia asked.

"Yes. He's at Steve's house apparently. He isn't going to do anything stupid. I promise." Marian said.

"I want to see him. Can I see him?" Amelia asked.

"Amelia. Is that really a good idea? Considering your history with the man." Krissi said.

"Krissi. Go get Harry and Niall. If she wants to see Louis, then she should be allowed to." Marian told her.

Amelia stood up from the floor and went to the mirror. Her makeup was a wreck. She would need Katelyn to fix it.  A knock at the door startled her. Marian went to answer it and let Niall and Harry into the room.

"Wow Amelia. That dress is amazing." Niall told her.

"Thanks Niall. I have a huge favor to ask both of you." Amelia started. "I want to see Louis. Before I marry Tom, I want to be sure he's okay. Please."

"Do you think you should do that? I mean. He's pretty upset about you getting married." Harry said.

"Yes. I need to. Call him and ask him to come." She pleaded.

Niall pulled out his phone and called Louis. He explained that Amelia wanted to see him. He shook his head laughing as he ended the phone.

"He will be here shortly. I'm gonna go and find Tom. Probably wouldn't be good if he saw Louis here." Niall told her. "Good luck."

Niall and Harry left the room and left her there with Marian and Krissi. Both girls looked at each other, shrugged and looked back at Amelia.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Krissi asked.

"yes. I need this. If you could go find Katelyn so she can touch up my makeup, I'd appreciate it." She said sending the two girls out of the room. She wanted to speak to Louis alone.

Ten minutes later, she heard a knock and the door opened. She turned around to see Louis standing there. Hair a mess, sweats tucked into his socks and an Adidas sweatshirt that looked entirely too large for him.  He looked at her with look of sadness and longing.

"Hi." She said.

"Hi." He replied.

"You look terrible" she said with a small laugh.

"You look fantastic." He said with a shy smile. "Why am I here Amelia?"

"I. Um. I needed to make sure you were okay. Are you? Okay?" she asked.

"No. I'm not. He's not the one you should be marrying." He said.

"You think I should marry you? Louis. I don't love you like I love Tom." She said, before realizing what she said.

"but you do love me. Admit Amelia." He said, taking a step closer. "Admit you do love me and were wrong for leaving me."

"No. I did feel something but it wasn't love. I wasn't wrong for leaving." She said.

He moved closer until she was pressed against the wall. He put his hands on either side of her head and leaned in and kissed her. His mouth tasting like whiskey, coffee and cigarettes. It was a mixture that she had come to recognize as Louis. She parted her lips and his tongue found its way inside. As he kissed her, she moaned into his mouth. God, she had missed his mouth on hers. As she realized what was happening she turned her head and pushed him away.

"No Louis. This can't happen. I'm marrying Tom. I just wanted to make sure you were okay." She said moving away from him.

"Amelia. You can't say you don't feel ANYTHING for me. I see how your body responds to me. I know if I were to reach under that dress of yours, your panties would be wet." he said to her.

"Stop it. I asked you to come so I could make sure you were okay and to talk to you." She cried.

"Oh come off it Amelia. You knew what you were doing when you asked Niall to call me. You want me to say these things to you. You know deep down in your heart you don't really want to marry Tom. You want me. You want all the dirty things we used to do. Fucking on the dining room table. Quickies in the Starbucks bathroom. Giving me blow jobs while I drive. You miss all that shit. I bet Tom won't even let you touch him while he drives. Has he ever finger fucked you while he's driving? Remember when I did that while we drove down Hollywood Boulevard?" he whispered in her ear as he stood behind her, pressing his hardness against her.

"Stop. Please. That time is over. You need to move on. Find someone else Louis." She said sadly.

"I don't want anyone else. I want you. Only you." He said.

"You can't have me. Never again. Good bye Louis." She said before turning and kissing him on the cheek.

"Amelia. Wait." He said. "Don't go yet. Can I just look at you one last time?" he asked.

"Louis. I have to go. I hope someday you find your one love." She said before walking out of the bathroom.

"I already have. It was you." He said quietly as the door shut behind her. He sat on the bathroom floor and cried.

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