Chapter 1 New World

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The sun is shining bright in Chicago and there is not one cloud in the sky, I'm meeting Ashley, Tyler, Nicole and Laura for lunch. We have a group project for university to finish for business, I go to Chicago Booth School of business, so we are meeting to work on it and we might as well grab a bite to eat. I've known these people since I was 9, I don't know what I would do without them but lately I've been feeling out of place, like I'm meant to be someplace else. I live with my mom Stacy and dad Dave, I have an older sister Rebecca but she lives with her husband Joel. So I'm running a little late I rush to the restaurant where I'm meeting everyone and they all ready have a seat at a booth.

"Hey sorry I'm late traffic was a nightmare." I said sitting next to Ashley.

"That's ok Grace, we understand." Laura said smiling. We started planning a business plan for a company that we created. So we finish our lunch and our meeting so we leave to get on with the rest of our day.

"Hey Grace can I walk you home?" Tyler asked holding the door open for me.

"Um sure Tyler that would be nice." I said grateful. I live about 10 minutes away from the restaurant by walking and it is rush hour so it will be busy, plus I have to go past a few sketchy looking alleyways.

"So what are you up to today?" Tyler asked.

"Um well I work later today at 6:00pm, so I have a few hours to relax." I stated.

"Nice." Tyler said then didn't say anything for a while. We came upon a dark alley when Tyler grabbed my hand and ran down the alley.

"Tyler what are you doing this isn't the way to my place!" I said raising my voice and trying to break free of his grip. "Tyler let go!" I screamed. He stopped running but he shoved me against the wall of a building.

"Tyler what are you doing that hurt!" I yelled.

"Sorry Grace but I don't know how else to get your attention." Tyler whispered.

"What are you talking about?" I asked moving my face away as he tries to kiss me.

"I just find you so enchanting I can't help myself.

"Tyler I've known you for years why not just tell me how you feel." I told him.

"Ya and what would you have said?" He paused. "You would have turned me down like every other girl has that I've asked." He said frustrated.

"Tyler you're going at this the wrong way." I said trying to get free but he was too strong. He had me pinned against the wall and he did kiss me a few times. Then I heard footsteps coming from farther down the alley.

"Now what do we have here?" One of the voices asked the guy he was with.

"Looks like two young people in a place at the wrong time." The other guy said.

"Look guys we don't want any trouble." Tyler insisted.

"We don't want you boy, we want the girl." The first guy said pointing at me, my eyes went wide and my heart started to pound.

"Well that's not going to happen." Tyler threatened.

"I don't think you have a choice in the matter." The second guy said then raised his hand and it started to glow, then a blast of green energy fired from his hand and hit Tyler and knocked him unconscious. I looked at his body lying on the ground and I froze with fright. I looked up and the two guys started to walk towards me, I did the only thing I knew to do and that was to. I ran down twists and turns of different alleyways until I came to a dead end. I heard the footsteps and saw the two men slowing walking towards me.

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