Chapter 15 Teacher

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Jack showed me a map of Willore and all the neighboring kingdoms, I didn't realize how big this world was. All the kingdoms are one big land mass with some islands here and there but everything is connected. He said that I would have visit all the kingdoms to declare that I was the new queen of Willore because Willore is like the state and everything else is a city. By the time we finished looking at the map it was almost dawn so we had to head back to Bloom's for dinner. Just as we are about to knock on the door Bloom opens the door nd gives me a big welcome hug, she grabs my hand and pulls me into her home. When you walk in the kitchen in makes up the whole room, there are stairs in the back which I assume lead to bedrooms, the house was made out of a holed out log, quite comfy. Fern was putting some plates on the table when we walked in and she turned around with a big smile on her face.

"Oh good, dinner is almost ready you came just in time." Fern said happily.

"It smells great." I said taking in a deep breath.

"Thank you, it's an old family recipe, my mother used to make this soup all the time and I had to get the recipe from her." Fern said putting a pot on the table. "You can have a seat, Bloom get your brothers please." Fern asked and Bloom went up the stairs and disappeared. "I can't thank you enough for what you have done for Bloom, I know it's not much but she has been so lonely. Her brothers don't really play with her lots, they usually go into Jade Forest to practice their powers, Bloom is too young to go out that's why she practices at home with me but I'm pretty busy most of the time plus with her father out working." Fern thanked.

"Oh its no trouble at all, I'm glad I met Bloom she is a sweet little thing." I said. Then Bloom comes running down the stairs with her two brothers behind her. The eldest one looked to be about 17 and the second oldest looked to be about 15, they both stopped at the bottom of the stairs and stared at me. Basil had short light green where Bay had long dark green hair that he wore in a ponytail.

"Boys this is princess Echo and her guard Jack." Fern introduced.

"Hi." I said with a little wave.

"Um hi." Basil said softly.

"Ya hi." Bay replied.

"Boys your not making a good impression this is the princess have some manners." Fern said.

"Oh that's ok I would probably say the same thing if a princess was in my house too." I joked.

"When will dad be home?" Basil asked.

"He should be home very soon now go have a seat and eat." Fern answered and the boys walked over to the table. The boys avoided sitting next to me but they didn't have a chance because Bloom rushed over and sat beside me. Just as we all got settled the door opened and Caspian walked in, he is tall with black hair that looked navy blue that feel down to his chin.

"Welcome home dear, how was work?" Fern got up and walked over to Caspian to give him a quick kiss.

"It was fine, I've been helping out in the library repairing the damage of an attack." Caspian said and as he looked over to the table he saw me and his eyes went wide.

"Fern why didn't you tell me the princess was here, forgive me princess." Caspian apologized giving a little bow.

"That is alright major, your family has been very welcoming." I said with a smile.

"Well I'm glad to hear that, so what do we owe the pleasure to having the princess in our home?" Caspian asked sitting at the table.

"Well I'm sure you know about what happened to the library and what happened after but from my visit to Ravenshire Endora took a lot out of me and for that reason I'm looking for someone who can teach me to control my water powers and Fern suggested you." I confessed.

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