Chapter 19 Fallen Rose

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"Jack! Jack wake up! Jake please!" I shouted moving his head back and forth. I bend down to cry into his chest and hug his body.

"Can we get this over with, the quicker I destroy you the closer I'll be to being queen." Endora said.

"You banish me from my parents, my home, you torture me and my friends and my love, you take my dragon heart and now you kill my love. I have grown tired of you hurting me and now you have crossed the line." I said with pure anger. I don't know what happened but I burned with hate and my whole body caught on fire. My whole body is warm but it doesn't bother me, I look at Endora and start to charge at her. She comes at me with her hand out but I duck down and I grab her neck as she screams from me burning her. I throw her to the ground kicking her and throwing fire blasts at her. She gets up in anger and comes at me again, I extend my arms letting out a blast of fire that swirled into a dragon. It roared and flew right for Endora, it opened its mouth and clamped down on Endora with sparks flying everywhere and a bright light. When the sparks and smoke cleared Endora lay on the ground, her body burned and smoking. I walk up to her body to see if she is still alive, I nudge her side with my foot but she didn't respond and I don't see her breathing.

"She has left us." A voice behind me said.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Don't you remember me?" The dragon said.

"Zolrus?" I said.

"It's good to see you again princess." Zolrus said bowing his head.

"How are you here, and how are you on fire?" I asked shocked.

"When Endora took your dragon heart she didn't take it completely. She would have had to take your actual heart to fully take it. It still was inside you but it wasn't strong enough so when you got half of this fairies soul his fire power got transferred into you. When it mixed with your dragon heart it gave you this fire form and gave me a new body." Zolrus explained.

"So you never left me." I said.

"Of course not, I am a part of you." Zolrus said. I looked at my hands at them burning then the fire started to fade and my skin looked like embers.

"Is Jack really dead?" I asked at the verge of tears.

"There is something that you can do." Zolrus said.

"Really what!?" I exclaimed.

"It is old magic but if you combine both of our powers you can bring him back." Zolrus explained.

"What do I do?" I said rushed over to Jack's body and knelt beside him.

"You must bring the blood back into his body and burn the wound closed and start his heart with a blast of heat, I will help with the last part." Zolrus instructed.

"Ok." I said taking a deep breath then moved my hands around Jack's wounds moving the blood back into his body. I touch the wounds and burn them closed leaving burn marks that will turn into scars. "Ok now what?" I asked.

"Take a deep breath and close your eyes." Zolrus said softly. So I took a few deep breaths and closed my eyes, I feel a blast of energy enter my body from my back and then I open my eyes. I lift my hand and create a fire ball but it's not like regular fire, it is mixed with something else. I place my hand on Jack's chest and move my hands around his body moving the energy ball around his entire body. Just as I'm about to loose hope Jack's eyes open wide and he gasps for air flailing around.

"Jack! Jack look at me! Jack your fine! Jack!" I shout grabbing his arms.

"Echo...why do you look like that... and how am I here?" Jack asked confused sitting up.

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