Chapter 2 Back Home

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I thought today was going to be like any other day, I hang out with my friends, have some laughs, do some shopping and just hanging at home. Little did I know that I would travel to a strange land and find out that I'm a fairy princess? Jake and I walked until he suddenly stopped by a bunch of trees lined up in a straight row.

"Why did we stop, don't we have a time limit to get to Willore?" I asked.

"We are here." Jake said smiling.

"Ok but why did we stop, is there a secret door or something?" I asked confused.

"Actually yes." Jake said walking over to a brank and pulled it down, then a wooden door suddenly appeared.

"Wow that is definitely a secret door." I said.

"Come on we don't have much time, plus your parents are waiting to meet you." Jake said reaching out his hand for me to take it. I took his hand and I felt a warm shock, I don't know how to explain it but I didn't want to let go.

"Do you think they will remember me?" I asked worried.

"Of course they will." Jake assured.

"Will they like me?" I asked.

"How could they not, you are their daughter after all." Jake answered with a smile. I smiled back and we stepped through the door. When we came to the other side I felt really strange, I looked around and all the trees and flowers looked bigger than usual. I looked around frantically and then looked over at Jake and saw that he had wings.

"What happened!?" I shouted looking at my now tiny body.

"When are now in Willore." Jake said gesturing to our new surroundings.

"Ok ya but can you tell me why I'm 2 inches tall?" I questioned.

"I told you, when we cross the border we shrink and grow wings." Jake answered.

"So we turn into fairies." I stated.

"We become what we are meant to be." Jake said as he started to hover. I just looked at him with wide eyes.

"I still can't believe that I am a fairy princess, that is going to get some getting used to." I said.

"Well no time like the present to start. You will have to learn to get used to your wings, you haven't used them in many years." Jake said landing back on the ground.

"Ok so how do these things work?" I asked turning my head to look at my new wings.

"You just think fly, and your wings will do the rest. It feels weird at first cause your body is moving in an unnaturally." Jake instructed.

"Ok so just think fly." I said out loud and closed my eyes. I open my eyes and the next thing I know is I'm hovering above the ground. I freak out and I fall to the ground but before I reach the ground Jake catches me. In look up at him straight into his eyes. They are the colour of the sky and I can't help but stare into them. "Thanks...." I say without looking away.

"Um no problem, looks like it needs a little more work." He said with a little chuckle and setting me down.

"Ya I guess so." I agree. I steady myself and take another go at it, this time I fly a little higher then higher and higher until I'm well above the trees. Jake is flying right beside me and I can't help but smile at him then look at the ground below me.

"This is incredible!" I shouted.

"I know right. This is how we get around." Jake shouted back.

"I could get used to this." I stated. Jake told me to follow him to the palace because I had no idea where to go. We flew lower into the canopy of the trees because flying out in the open is apparently dangerous.

We make it to the palace's borders but it's not like Endora's palace. This one was a tree with lots of little windows some balconies and rooms covered with vines and flowers, it also has a very thick trunk so I can imagine that it is huge inside.  The palace tree was surrounded by other trees with little houses within the trunks of the trees. The palace tree also had a huge canopy at the very top, the leaves of the tree is the roof and the branches are twisted in crazy ways to make the walls. We flew down to the gate at the base of the tree where two fairy guards stood.

"Jake the king has summoned you for an important meeting. Who is this?" One of the guards asked.

"Alright I will be there in just a moment. This is the princess who has been lost to us for many years." Jake said gesturing to me.

"The princess!" The two guards said at the same time then bowed.

"Welcome back princess." They said together.

'Um thanks, good to be back." I said not knowing what to do.

"I will show the princess to her room then I will see the king." Jake said to the guards as they stepped aside to let us pass. When we entered the tree it looked amazing, lights twinkling, flowers blooming and fairies flying everywhere. There are no stairs because fairies will fly everywhere, there are different levels with balconies wrapping around the tree. Jake stretches out his hand to guide me to my room, I take his hand and we fly up almost to the very top of the tree. We make it to my room and there is only one door on the entire level, Jake opens the door and when I fly in my breath is taken away. My bed is a sunflower with a canopy around it, my blanket is a rose pedel and there are vines with flowers all around my room.

"This is my room?" I whispered in amazement.

"Yup only the best for the princess." Jake said with a smile.

"I think I remember." I said touching my bed.

"That is great!" Jake shouted. "You were gone for many years." Jake added.

"How long was I gone?" I asked.

"You were gone for about 4000 years." Jake said as his smile disappeared.

"How is that possible?" I said shocked.

"1 year here is 1 day on earth." Jake said walking to the door. "So you left when you were 8, aged as a regular human for 12 years and turned 20." Jake explained.

"But you are my age and have lived for thousands of years and look so young." I said confused.

"We don't age at the rate humans do, we get older each year but physically we age much slower." Jake said.

"Ok so I can live thousands of years longer than I would on earth?" I asked amazed.

"Yes." Jake stated.

"Wow, I can't get my head around it." I said shaking my head.

"I can't believe I was gone for that long, it's a long time to be away." I said

"Yes it is, fairies started to lose hope that you would never return and the kingdom would fall." Jake said sadly.

"Well I'm back now." I said walking over to Jake putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Ya and everyone will be so happy to see you, so we better get going." Jake said. "Are you able to fly on your own?" Jake asked.

"Um ya I think so." I said not really confident. Jake smiled and reached out his hand for me to take it as he knew I was lying, I smiled back and took his hand. We flew up higher and higher to the very top where a grand door stood, it had some fancy carvings in it with vines hanging down. We landed on the ground and I just stared at the door, too nervous to go in.

"Grace is everything all right?" Jake asked looking at me concerned.

"Ya I guess, I'm just nervous, I haven't in 4000 years." I said nervously.

"Grace you will be fine, they are your parents and they love you. They have been waiting for you to return." Jake encouraged.

"Ok let's do it." I said taking a deep breath and pushing open the door to where my parents waiting on the other side.

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