Long time no see

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As the door shut I stand there in silence, I was alone, again.Besides Peter, my bodyguard, who stays outside the house to protectme for paparazzi, which are becoming intrusive since my comeback.Angelo is with my mum on holiday, so Simon and I can have some timefor us.

Also Angelo was so excited to see all of his favorite cartoon characters,like Anna and Elsa.

But I miss him so much, my little peanut. I decide to divert myselfby watching DVDs, so I go back to our room.

As I walks halfway through the door, my gaze gets caught by somethinglying on the floor.

I keep it and take a look. It is a photo of Simon, Angelo and me onhis first birthday. I smile by remembering that day:

Laura had organized a big surprise party with a lot of balloons, allof our friends and family and of course cake! On the picture all ofus had cake smeared all of our faces, because we had a bigcake-fight!

"What a great day" I say daydreaming. I put the photo in mypocket to keep this lovely memory with me. I lay down on the bed andstart to watch 'Keeping up with the Kardashians'. Oh I love thatbitch fights!

Suddenly my phone rings and I shrug a bit by the sound, but it wasjust Peter my bodyguard.

"Hi Peter, whats the news?"

"Hey Adele, I want to ask if I can go for a while, I know I have toprotect you, but please, my mother is in the hospital and I want tolook after her." He says with a pleading voice.

"Oh of course Peter, I will stay in my house and just chill, so Iam out of danger. Say her good well! I hope everything will be fine."

"Yes I will and thank you so much! I have to go now, bye!"

"Bye",I say and hung up. So now I'm really alone.

I almost fall asleep, when the bell rings. I get up carefully and walks faltering through the hall.

"I'm coming" I say, maybe it is just Peter to tell me he is back.I open the door and freeze.

It is Alex, my ex.

I left him three years ago, because he changes so much. Blessedly I left him,because it was getting worse and worse. He became very jealous and has angry outburst, when I was talking to other men. He becomes very thin and smokes a lot. One day I drove past his house out of curiosity and I saw him furious destroying the furniture. He never got over the breakup.

I look at him from head to toe and see that he improves himself. He is no longer lanky but rather muscular. He wears a blue jeans with a belt and a white shirt, which shows a bit of his six pack. His hair is light brown and matches perfectly with his tanned skin color. Wow!

But then I think about Simon and of the worse break up with Alex.

"What are you doing here?" I say irritated.

Oh what a lovely salutation, I'm also happy to see you!" Alex says with a big smile.

"Seriously Alex, what are you doing here, were not friends anymore,you remember? You had lost me by your own fault!" I want to close the door, but Alex interposed his foot between the door.

"Listen Adele" I shrug by hearing how he says my name and memories of our old happy times invaded my mind."I just want to talk about whats going on, maybe we can become friends again, I don't want that you are pissed of me for the rest of your life."

I consider for a moment, hypnotized by his big blue eyes, but than fear invaded my mind.

"No I really cant do this, if I make a step out of the door, the Paparazzis will follow us wherever we go and I don't want any news of me going out with a new guy!"

"Oh yes of course, for that problem I have a solution. Don't you know about the secret exit through the garden? Peter showed it to me one day" He says with a winking eye.

 "Um no,...ok whatever I go with you!"I think it shall not be so bad if I take some fresh air and divert myself from my loneliness. I hurried inside the house to write a short letter for Simon if he comes earlier at home, so he wont be worried. I took my coat from the wardrobe and put the photo from Simon, Angelo and me and my cellphone in the pocket of the coat.

"Let's go!"

Hey, so this is the next chapter, thanks for your lovely comments!<3xx

I will do my best to update the story consistently:) Thanks for reading, have a great day, Bye!<3

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