Tears of Joy

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Simon Narrator:

The last hours were really exhausted, my body hurt a lot and I'm so tired.
But my only need was to see her. But the doctor told me that I can't visit her, because she's too weak and I would overwholmed her mind, so I sat down in the waiting room.
I don't know exactly how long I stayed there, lost in my own thoughts of worryness and feeling guilty. Than finally a nurse came out to tell me she's ready now.
I stood up carefully, because my body was still wobbly and weak, but when I came into the room all of my pain were wripped away.
To see her alive and healthy again, make me so overjoyed! A big smile make it over my face.
“Ah there he is, right at the time! I think I leave you two alone, but be carefull if she begins to struggle again, you have to go.” The doctor says and left the room.
I approaches her and a few tears make their way down my cheek, they are tears of joy.
“Oh delly...I'm just so relieved that you're safe now...”I say in a crumbled voice. I lean over to hug her, but she shrugged and freeze by my touch.
“I'm s-so...sorry.” she says in a really horsy and damaged voice.
“Don't worry my love, I will build up your confidence again! I will show you how true love really feels like and hopefully one day you will overcome this. Remember I'm there for you every time to comfort you and calm you down. This asshole will never ever get the chance to even see you, because I will protect you with all of my power!”
I say in a roller-coaster of emotions. I want to hug her so badly, because she looks so lost and injured in this big white hospital bed, but I refuse. I don't want to scare her again.
“Thank you so much Simon....for everything. You saved me from him, if you weren't there I would probably be still his playing toy or punchbag.” she says tears filling her eyes again.
”I-I love you so much Simon! I hope I will forget about this nightmare soon and we can continue our life normally..”but she doesn't look aonunced by what she said.
“So...so how about you? How do you managed to escape?” she says with a concered face, wanting to change the subject.

My memory brings me back to the moment...

Hello again👋😅😊finally i got the time to update again, i was so busy the last month😯💪
Merry late Christmas and a happy New year to everyone!!❤🎉
Thanks for reading and i will update again later!!🎉😊

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