Sleepless night

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Adele Narrator:

I begin to cry uncontrolebal. I can't believe what just happens.
In one moment I was full of joy to see Simon again, I felt so safe, I thought he just would pick me up and we went home together.
But then Alex appeared behind Simon with a bat, he layed a finger on his lips telling me to shut up, but I began to scream to warn Simon, without success.
He ended up lying on the floor unconscious.
Alex takes Simon by his arms and drags him in the opposite door. There he ties his ankles with a rope together and also handcuffed him against a pipe.
He couldn't fight back because he's still black-out by the thump.
Alex let go of him and goes straight in my direction:
“Hello again honey, what a brave boyfriend you have, oh excuse me, had” he says with a grin,
”I really appreciate his try to liberate you, but it wasn't good enough. So now relax a little bit, tomorrow will be a great day! Now that I have a leverage, you will do everything that I will tell you to. Otherwise it will be not god for him.”
He walks over to Simon and punsh him in the face, a bit blood tripples down his nose.
I scream with honor through the tape and he comes back to me.
“ Then better do what I tell you to!” I knocked terrified but decided.
I really don't want that Simon will be hurt. It's my fault that I'm in this situation, cause I was a fool to date with this guy, so I don't want to pull him into this.
I try to make Alex understand that I want the duct-taped off but he just laughed:
“Oh no sweatheart you don't need your voice this night to talk to Simon, save it up for tomorrow!”
Frustrated I hang my head and look down to the ground.
“Don't be sad, tomorrow we will have a lot of fun!” he sounds so excited.
He gaves me a kiss in the forehead, the lefts the room and closes the door.
Leaving me and Simon in the dark.
Oh Simon, I could hear him calmy breath, thank good he's alive! I could never forgive myself if he would get brutaly hurt, just because of me.
But what does Alex want to do tomorrow? What if I couldn't fill his wishes...
I couldn't sleep right now, my head is a mess. But my body is really tired-out.
I hadn't eaten or drink since Ì'm here, hadn't showered or hadn't slept deeply. My face is still swollen from the bruises and I could feel that the wound in my back is infected, cause it hurts really bad. I close my eyes but I couldn't relax by sitting on the ground, my hands behind my back and the tape over my mouth.
I don't know how long I stay like this in the dark but suddendly Simon begins to move...

So heres the update🙌thanks for reading and for the comments
See ya!💃

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