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Adele Narrator:

The door suddenly opens and I had no longer a chance to change simons plan. I don't want that Simon risks his life to save me, it's all my fault and he shouldn't get hurt for that.
I love him so much and I couldn't life anymore if he would die...Alex can become very furious if he would realize that I'm gone and Simon helped me.
It has to give an other way, maybe...
“Good morning sweetheart, are you ready for our great day?” Alex interrupts me in my thoughts with a excited voice. I don't response and just look away, over to simon to see his eyes full of anger, looking at Alex.
“Oh Adele don't be so suborn, I know that you still love me, one day you will realize that and till that I will force you to it.” He says smiling.
“Alex stop it! You have no right to treat her like that, accept her refusal and just let her go. You hurted her enough already!” Simon says provocativ and full of anger, like a mother protects her children.
“Shut up idiot! She is only mine and I can do with her whatever I want to! You took her away from me years ago and now I retrieve what was once mine.” Alex says with a black look.
“Alex you have to realize that she is not an object! She is a beautifull woman with a lovefull heart, you are not allowed to destroy her happy soul just because of your sillyness!”
Simons words really move me and I was near to cry, but I remember his words 'don't cry we will find a way out' and I manage to hold back the tears.
“Oh yes of course she is soo beautifull! But maybe you are just jealous, because you can't do with her what you want. You probably don't  know how to treat a woman right, so I can show it to you!”
Alex says seductive looking back over to me. I'm just able to shake my head scared.
“Oh baby you don't have to be scared, I will comfort you! You probably haven't had good sex since you left me, this fool over there surely couldn't make it right to you!”
By that my whole body froze, the fear in my body become even bigger and I begin to panic out completely. I hear Simon scream something but I couldn't understand a word. Alex just forces him to shut up and than puts his attention back to me.
Eventual he releases me from the tape, I took a deep breath and than starts to beg, at the beginning with a very horsy voice cause I hadn't spoken for a while.
“Alex no, I won't do that!”
“You will have no other choice, I will hurt Simon bad if you don't obey.”
he approaches Simon with clenched fits.
“No, no! Don´t hurt him, I will do what you want!” I say with a sigh. I can feel a lump grow in my throught, but I have to be strong now, for Simons health!
I turn over to Simon and look him straight in the eye, I can see the worryness in his eyes, but I am sure about my decision. It's my problem and I have to work it out.
I mouth the words 'I love you, remember the plan' to him with my lips so Alex won't notice it. My mind finally agrees with Simons plan, it is the only chance to get out of this and call for help so Simon will be saved, too.
Then the evil turns back to me.
“Oh wow, that sounds great, you finally realized how it works. Congratulations! So lets get started!”
He says with a big grin and opens the handcuffs. My wrists are hurting very bad and I can see blood on them. But nothing hurts more than the fear that rushes over me.
I try to get up and run away, but I collapsed and fell gently into Alex arms. Shit thats the position I wanted to avoid the most...!

Next chapter!💪🎉
i hope you liked it😊have a great day, bye!❤🙌

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