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Adele Narrator:

Three days passed and I'm on the way to recover again. My self confidence is building up, but my wounds are still hurting. Luckily Simon and my mum are doing there best to make me feel loved and saved. I'm so glad that I havesuch lovely and careful people around me.

Today my best friend Laura will also come to visit me. I am very excited about that, because I didn't saw her for a while and I miss her a lot . She's like my sister and I know her since my childhood. We have always been best friends, she was there for me when I broke up with my boyfriends, when I released 19, 21 and now for 25. And I was there for her when she published her books and married her boyfriend.

Anytime I'm with her I feel like we are sixteen again and life was a party to be thrown.

We shared so many funny experiences, but also completely melt down together..

As she enters the chamber, the whole room lights up. She wears purple pumps, a colorful dress with flowers and pink socks which suited her dress. Alone that make me smile, she's always in colour and I'm most time in black, that is our biggest contradiction.

But a I look her face my smile slowly fade. Her face is full of jolt and concern. It feels so uncomfortable, because I know exactly why she looks like that, I still look like a mess.

But I don't want peopleto always look shocked at me and acting strange, because they don't know how to handle me.

"Hey Laura, please don't look at me like that, I'm OK now and I want to overcome this. I'm still you're little Donut!" I add jokingly.

"Oh I'm so-sorry..I just..I have worried about you for such a long time.. I haven't known if you were saved or how much you've been hurt.."She stumbles,tears filling her eyes. I feel my eyes become wet, too.

"Come here Laura!" I say with a smile, opening my arms for a hug.

"Are you sure?" she asks shy. "Yes of course Laura! I'm not out of porcelain and won't shatter of you touch me!" I say laughing because of her extra-caution.

"Haha OK I'm sorry."Laura says, finally coming for a hug.

I jolt a bit by her touch, because my body is still very sensitive and the wound on my back hadn't healed at all. I try to suppress the scream out of pain, but Laura already recognized it.

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn'twant to hurt you..sorry." Laura hesitates to say.

"Laura please calm down, it's not your fault, he did it to me not you"I say looking angry.

"What an asshole.."she mumbles. "but can I..ehm maybe see it?" she asks cautious.

"Ehm yeah..why not? But promise me that you won't get too shocked, I don't know what awaits you." I say laughing. Laura give me a sympathetic smile and I turnmy back to her. I feel how she carefully lifts up my shirt, exposing my back, creeps running down my body by that.

Laura stayed silence for a while so I began to speak: "Haha whats up Laura, has the cat got your tongue?" I joke.

"Eh no, I-I'm sorry I don't know what to say..It looks so horrible, I'm so sorry for you,you surely had experienced such a nightmare full of fears and.."she begin to cry hysterically."You should be the one crying, not me, sorry but I'm such a mess sometimes..."

"Don't be ashamed Laura, you don't know how many tears I cried and how many panicattacks I had in the first days. I thought I would never become me again, but it worked, everyday I'm getting more and more back to myself, trust me." I say holding her hand tightly, chocking back my own tears.

"Oh Delly you're such a strong person! I love you so much!" She says while she stopped crying.

"Haha thank you so much, but if you had seen me a few days ago you would overthink that." I say jokingly. "but I love you, too!" She laughs and gently wrapped her arms around me, now acting more careful not to hurt my back. We stayed like this for a moment, as suddenly the door opens and the doctor enter the room.

"Sorry to interrupt you two cuties, but I have to check on Adele."

"Oh yes of course, I will go home now! Delly, I will text you later, see you soon! Goodbye my little Donut!" Laura says already standing up and walking near the door.

"Thanks so much for coming Lau! Goodbye!" With a smile on her lips she leaves the room.

"Okay Adele, so how are you feeling today?"The doctor ask me with a smile.

"I'm feeling prettygood, except of my wound on the back, it feels like it's killing me."I say, faking a laugh, but wit a painful face.

"Mh I can give you some extra painkillers if you want to, but that's all I can do for you at the moment, because it's better when the wound heals at the air."The doctor offers me.

"Yes some painkillers would be nice." The doctor takes some out of his pocket and hand them to me. I take them and immediately I got a feeling of freedom My whole body feels weightless. I love that feeling!

"So let me check on your health!" The doctor says, interrupting my thoughts.

"Yeah go ahead.." I stretch out my arm to him. He takes a blood sample and makes someother medicine things.

As he finishes his work he looks up to me with a big smile:

"I have great news for you Miss Adkins! If you promise me that you will take your medicine daily and don't struggle yourself, you can go home in three days!"

"Oh that is great! Yeah I promise you that!" I say putting my hand to my chest like a pledge.

"Haha okay great!" He says laughing. "We will miss you in the hospital! You brought so much joy and hope to this place."

"Aw I will miss you all, too. Thanks so much for taking care of me and making me healthy again!"

"You're welcome, it's our job, you know."He answers smirking.

"Oh and if you ever need a little cheering up in the hospital, just call me and maybe I can do a little concert or whatever for the patients. I know my songs are little bit miserable, but I have a few up-beat numbers, too" I say with a winking eye.

"Oh yeah wow that would be awesome, thanks for the offer! I will surely come back to it! But now I have to go to the other patients and I think your boyfriend is waiting for you at the door. Bye, see you later!"


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