Finally the rescue?

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Adele Narrator:

"No stop it, it's OK I get it...."I don't want to be battered again. On the one side I think my body wouldn't take another blow, but also I had a plan...

"I-I love you"I say stumbling

"Wow thats great! But I'm not pleased yet, I want that you have real feelings for me, like in the old days."He approaches me
"But then you have to release me, how could I love you if I'm scared of you because you
kidnapped me!"I say, planning to escape.
"OK maybe I can open the handcuffs for a short time, but just to have a bit of fun!" He says excited, walks to the door and lock it.
Damn my plan was to kick him after he opens the handcuffs and run out of the door, but now it is locked. I try to think of a new plan, but it is already to late.
He opens the handcuffs and pull me up to my feet. I laid so long on the bed that my circulatory is totally over challenged and my sight becomes blurry.
I just feel his lips crushing on mine, make me want to pock and push him away, but I am to weak.
He holds me with a strong arm, otherwise I would probably crack up.
Suddenly there are loud knocks against the front door downstairs.
Alex stops the kiss and grew stiff for a moment.
"Alex I know you're here, let Adele go right now!" It is Simon OMG, my heart skips and I'm so full of joy and hope.
"SIMON, I'm..." I begin to scream with my hoarsely voice, but then Alex duct-taped my mouth,
tied my hands with handcuffs behind my back and fixed me with the handcuffs onto the heater.
I try to keep on screaming through the tape, but Alex slaps me in the face and says threatening:
"Shut up or I will hurt him!" Worried I obey and stay silent.
I hope Simon will find me and rescue me, but what if Alex finds him first..

Simon Narrator:

I drive further and further through the city powered by my anger.
By every kilometer I drive, the city becomes rougher and darker, this is the double-wide part of the city with grubby skyscrapers and skate parks.
I don't know exactly where his house is, but I know the direction cause Adele tells me one day about this part of the city.
Finally the skyscrapers become lesser and a few mansions appeared, in one of that is probably Adele, hopefully alive.
I let my gaze search over the houses and finally find what I am looking for:
It is build with dark bricks and the reveer looks scabby. In the garden the weed grow in all directions and all windows are obscures.
I try to think straight to order my plans but all I could think about is Adele being hurt.
I jump out of the car, hurry to the door and bang loudly at it:
"Alex I know you are here, let Adele go right now!" I scream my voice full of anger. I think I hear Adeles voice for a short time, but maybe I just imagines it me.
I knock again, but this time a little bit calmer. What if he doesn't life there anymore, how could I find him? My mind rushes with speed through all the places he could probably be.
I want to turn around and drive on, but then something laying on the ground caught my gaze.
As I look at it closer I figured out what it is, Adeles scarf, over and over with dirt, but I can still see the colour, green her favourite colour. I gave it to her last year on her birthday.
Now I'm sure she's here in that house! Again I bang at the door and there is still nothing but silence, so I try to open the door. Surprisingly it is open!
The door opens creaking and a billow of stuffier and moldy air are coming against me.
I enter the house. Inside it is dark and I could only see a few farnishings. I search for a light switch, because I could bearly see anything, but with no success.

A little bit fear invades my mind, I'm here alone in a dark house maybe with a kidnapper living in here. But I walk further with the motivation of being a hero by rescuing Adele.
The wooden floor cracks above me and I shrugg for a moment. Somebody is in the house....

Next chapter🎉by the way I'm so excited for the Australian Tour!
Yas Queen❤👑

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