Nothing's changed

151 10 4

Penny Narrator:

Suddenly the door infront of us opens and a doctor comes out of the room. We tare apart and focus him in expectation. "Hello! You must be her mother right?"

"Ehm ye-es" my voice cracked.

"You can come in now,only if you want to." he says smiling.

"Eh yes of course!" I answers excited, but a little bit worried if I can bear the misery.

"Alright, but keep in mind that she's still weak and she mustn't get upset!"

"Yes okay" I enters the room hesitant and Simon follows behind me. The room is white andseems like a usual hospital room. I walk around the corner and than I see her. I feel my heart fall apart by her sight. On the one hand because of joy, and on the other hand of sympathy. Her face is allover with bruises, her eyes don't have their significant sparkle in it and she's connected to medical devices.

"Adele, my princess..."I say open mouthed, don't know how to act. I see tears filling her eyes and by that my own starts to ran down my cheeks, too.

"Mum I missed you so much!" her voice sounds hoarse and it makes me flash crawl.

"Oh my daughter Imissed you so much, too!" I approaches her wanting to hug her, but she jerks by my touch. I instantly step back and watch her with concern.

"Sorry...I-I think I'm just not ready...I" she begin to apologize herself ashamed.

"Oh Adele, it's all okay, don't worry one day it will be normal again!" I say cheerful,but in my mind I imagine me what horrible things the asshole who kidnapped her must have done to her and the anger in my body rushes on.

"Whats up mum, why you look so angry? Is it because of me? I know I'm so weak and dump...It's a my fault.."

"Oh my god Adele, no it's definitely not your fault, it's because of the awful man who did this to you, if I will ever get to see him, I will kick him in the crocks and then kill him!" she smiled a bit by this.

"Anyway, why you think that you're weak and dump? You're the strongest and smartest woman Iknow!"

"I don't know it'sjust..." she breaks down in tears before she has the chance to end her sentence.

"Penny you have to know that the man really destroys her confidence and self-belief, he treats her really bad." Simon whispers in my ear, so Adele wouldn'thear it.

"Oh sorry I had no clue..."I mumble, turning back to Adele to look in her tired and sad eyes.

"Adele you have to know that thousand of people love you! They love your songs, your voice,your personality and your look. You're so beautiful, warmly, buoyant,you managed to get over so much bad things, reached so much incredible things in your life and you are still the same person. I'm so proud of you and anything you ever did! You have a wonderful andcaring boyfriend, also a very clever and brisk child. I know they both love you a lot!!"

"Th-Thank you so much!That was really what I needed to hear to feel comfy again. I love youso much! Come here, I need a hug now!" she says under tears.

"Are you sure?" "Yes mum, I know you won't hurt me and I want to act normal again!"

"OK then..." I say and wrap my arms gently around her, hugging her tight. At first she freezes by my touch, but then after a while she relaxes and let herself go in my arms. In that moment I think everything is alright again and my heart is filled with love.

I know she's going to have paranoia and that she will a lot of time to heal, but deep in my heart I know that she will make it. I separate from the hug and once I do she began to cry.

"Oh Delly why are youcrying?"

"I don't know mum, I-Ijust love you so much." she says under sobbing.

"Aw that is cute, I love you, too. So much you could never imagine..."

"Sorry for interrupting you two lovers, but there is one guy over there who love you,too."Simon says giggling from behind us.

"Haha of course Simon,sorry, come on over." Adele says smiling, taking out of the hugwith penny. I gently and caring wrap my arms around her, trying notto hurt or scare her.

But she says happily:"Relax Simon, it's OK you can hug me like you did before!"

I am so relief by that and hug her tighter.

"I love you so much Adele, you can never imagine you how much..."

"Oh I know Simon, to the moon and back." She says smiling, but with tears flowing down her cheeks.

And there we are like we were in the past, before everything bad happened.

Hey Guys! I'm such a crap, sorry I hadn't uploaded in ages, probz to them who can do it so constantly😅👏🏆

Whatever, so I have already written the whole book but I was too lazy to type it in my laptop cause I always write it in a notebook....🙈

So if you want to read it just comment or like😊


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