A Shoulder to cry on

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Penny Narrator:

As I hung up the phone I stay in silence, the only thing I can hear is Angelo quietly snore. I need to digest what I just heard. My princess is now healthy and in safety finally! The last days were absolut terrific, I couldn't sleep at all and was all the time worstly worried. I tried to find out where Adele is and if she's safe now, but I couldn't reach anyone. Also I had Angelo with me so I only could cry when he was asleep. Oh innocent Angelo, he doesn't know anything about his mother, a lot of times he asks me if I'm okay and told me that he's worried about his parents, because the hadn't called, but I reassured him by telling everything is alright. But nothing have been right! My little daughter, my entireness had been kidnapped! I couldn't just think about it without crying like a fool, but I need to stay quiet for Angelo.
I phone the babysitter, and she tell me her sympathy, because she heard about it in the media. I was only capital of stumbling thank you and then canceling the call politely. After I enter Angelos room, I stop at the side of his bed and just admire his angel-like beauty. He is just like a little copy of Adele: His pale skin, clift chin, his ginger biscuit coloured soft hair and when he opens his big eyes you can get lost in their wonderful green.
I give him a kiss on the forehead and whimper 'I love you my little Angel' than I leave the room, grab my purse and keys and step out of the door. Luckily the paparazzis still hadn't found out my adress, otherwise the driveway would be crowded. Especially if they would know about Angelo inside. Adele had lay a prohibition about photos of Angelo, but some paparazzis still don't respect that and keep on snapping everytime they see him. I really hate them! Why they just can leave a mother and her child alone for the love of good! I pull out the driveway, again in tears by the thought of Adele, but I keep on driving to the hospital. Simon really need someone to company him and I urgent need someone, too! A shoulder to cry on, thats the only thing I want. I have no man for support, because Adele' father left his family when she only was 3 years old. Previous I hated to be single, but now I'm really okay with it. I'm an independent woman and don't need anyone by my side, except in moments like this. But I never have missed  Adele's father, he became a drinker and didn't pay any alimentation. So Adele and I lived in a very small apartment in the unknown town Tottenham, it was a very rough area and  Adele was the only white kid at her school, but it never been a problem. I went with her to a lot of concerts of my favourite bands like The Quire and all in all we had a great time without him! Later she went to the brit school to fill her wish of becoming a musician. Yeah that worked out perfectly! Now she is a international superstar and I'm so proud of her!
As I reach the hospital, the park lot is totally crowded with paparazzis! I imagined me there would be some, but not that much. I pulls into a parking lot and try to act unobtrusive. That worked quite well, because luckily I'm not often in the press. So I reach the entrance of the hospital without any problems. The entrance is guarded by security men, so I trembling showed them my identy card and they let me enter the hospital. I ask the woman at the reception about Adeles room number, nearly  crying again.
“Floor 3 room 124” she tells me with a sad smile.
“Thanks!” I fake her a smile and then storming up the stairs letting go all of my troubles. Up the stairs I'm really out of breath, but I don't want to stop till I reach her room. I spot Simon on the end of the hallway and run like a madder straight towards him. My footsteps make a loud echo in the big corridor and tears running down my cheeks. I'm about to stumble over, but strong and comforting arms rescues me.
I wheep into Simons shoulder, till I recognise I left a wet spot on it, from my tears.
“I-I'm sorry Simon, but..but” I stammer.
“It's ok Penny, it's all okay, let it all out, I'm here to comfort you!” His words melt my heart, I always searched for such a men, a real gentleman and calming soul. I'm so glad my princess had found someone like him! He's the best son-in-law I could imagine me.
“Th-thank you” my voice cracked and I keep on crying. After some time I finally unlocked from his hug and stay to him face to face. I must admit, he's very handsome himself. Deep brown eyes, brown hair, a pretty goad beard and a muscular figure.
“I think we should sit down and I can tell you everything that happened, only if you want to know”
“Yeah for sure, I try to stay strong.” I say with a winking eye. He laughed a little and then we sit down.
“All started as....” Simon tells me the whole story, from the day he cam home to empty house from work, finding Adeles note, till the day they finally made it out of the hell. Now and then his story is interrupted from his loud sobs, but he stay strong and continues speaking. At the end my feelings are pretty overhelmed and I can't believe it's real, that this bad nightmare happened to my little daughter.
“OMG Simon, I...I can't believe it...I didn't know that you were trapped and hurt, too. How..how are you?” I ask worried.
“I'm totally fine, don't worry about me, Adele is the one who got brutally hurt, physical and mental..”
“Oh no..” my voice cracks “but I really need to thank you with my whole heart for saving her, if you weren't there, she could be dead now...” I break down in tears “Oh stop it Penny, don't think about things like that!” he swallows the lump in his throat and continues “But I'm sorry for being not there for her the first days, she could have been out there earlier and I would have saved her from a lot of pain!”
“Don't feel guilty Simon! At first you didn't know her situation at all and then you tried everything in your power to rescue to rescue her. I really appreciate that!”
“Mh thanks Penny” he mumbled. I hugged him tight and we sit like this some time. I can feel his weakness and broken heart in his hug, so I pat his back in try to calm him down and fix him.

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