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Day 13.

Cameron came and picked me up at exactly 6 o'clock. He was dressed like how he was when I first met him.

If I never knew what he did for a living, I would have considered him more of a business type of guy. Engaged maybe to someone way better than me.

Not what he actually is. He's too nice for that.

"Can I know where you're taking me?"

"Nope." He pops the p and I laugh. He takes a few more turns and begins to drive down a long street. I noticed that when I looked out of my window, the view was the beach. I rolled down the window and listened to the waves crashing. 

As we drove along, I could hear music and chatter. Bonfires were spread out across the shore and people were gathered around dancing. Against the fire light, they seemed like shadow figures.

"Do you like it?" Cameron asks. I now realise I basically stuck half of my body out of the window to see the sight.

"I love it. What is it?"

"Every full moon these group of people come down to this abandoned part of the beach to watch the moon rise to its fullest and highest. Once it gets to midnight, well, you'll see what happens."

"Does everyone turn into werewolves?" He chuckles.

"Only if they're aggressive." He smirks and I start to get a little cautious. "I'm just kidding Mia." I nod and pull myself back in.

He turns and parks on the sand.

"We've got to light the bonfire ourselves. Only one group per fire." It was already placed out and was a fair bit away from the group next to us.

We both begin to light it and I watch as the flame reaches its highest point. Different shades of orange and yellow blend together.

Cameron pulls me back and sits me on his lap. He wraps a blanket around the both of us and I smile.

"How long until midnight?"

"2 and a half hours." I nod.

For that period of time, we talk about ourselves. I tell him some more made up stories.

It hurts me by lying to him but I'm only keeping my real identity hidden from him.

After a while, everyone on the beach starts counting down from ten.

"What's happening?" I was curious. He smiles and looks up at me.

"It's almost midnight."

"You still haven't told me what happens at midnight." Everyone gets to zero and they scream. I look up and see the majority of them now making out.

Cameron laughs.

"Sneaky." I say.

"Come on I had to try." We both start leaning in. Our lips soon met. The warmth from his lips made me smile in the kiss.

We pull away after what seemed like only a few seconds. In reality it was a long time.

"Mia just know I'm falling in love with you. Bit by bit."

No Cameron don't say that. Say you're just liking me at this point.

I don't want this to end so soon.

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