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Day ...

Slowly I could begin to hear. Beeping. Slight talking.

It hurt to move. It hurt to do anything.

I try to push past the pain and try to open my eyes. I saw three people standing around me. All dressed with a white coat.

My ears began to ring. Their mouths were moving but I couldn't hear what they were saying. Only mumbles.

"What's your name?" I heard clearly. My name?

"I-I don't know." I manage to get out. They explain to me that they were going to do some tests on me to see what else was wrong with me.

When they finished the tests, all three of them looked at me.

The male told me I had amnesia. 

How did I get here?

"Where am I?"

"Let me explain a few things okay sweetheart. You're in Los Angeles Hospital, it's the 17th of November 2016. You've been out for 4 days and all we know is that you came from a freak car crash. You were hit by a semi truck and."

I try to think about what happened 4 days ago. What day was it?

"When will I be able to go?"

"When we know you've got some memory back and or someone to take you home. We've been searching sweetheart. No one has come up with your DNA tests which is unusual." She fluffs my pillow and smiles at me. "Everything will be okay. Get some rest now. Maybe something will come back to you in your dreams." I nod and she turns out the lights and closes the door as she leaves.

It was like an old film. The way we were moving, the sepia tone, slowly fading to black and white.

I look at him. His smile rising as he came closer to me. His touch sent goosebumps across my body. Those dark eyes staring down at me. Pulling me closer he whispered something.


I couldn't hear anything.


I look up at him once more.

His face began to show colour. A slight pink colour bloomed across his cheeks. His eyes revealed a dark chocolate colour. I was sent into an almost sugar coma staring at his eyes.

He was like Prince Charming and I was his long lost princess.

He twirled me around. His smile only grew wider and wider, almost like a Cheshire Cat. 

"Who are you?" My voice echoed around. His facial expression changed drastically. His hand slowly let go of mine. His touch leaving me.

"How don't you remember me?" I could hear him. That voice was so familiar. Everything slowly turned darker. A dream to a nightmare. "Who are you? What have you done with her."

"I am her." What was I saying? Who am I?

More beeping. More chatter. More noise.

"CLEAR!" Someone shouts.

Who's clear?

"No response! AGAIN!" I feel cold. Lost.

"CLEAR!" I couldn't feel what they were doing but I knew they were around me.

"You need to fight sweetheart. There's someone out there going crazy because they don't know where you are. Come back to us." Someone whispered in my ear.


What do you mean?

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