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It's been 2 months since the boys have been in jail. I'm not allowed to see them as they're "highly wanted criminals" and "severely dangerous". I don't see how that is, they all act like 5 year olds at times as well as being scared of a tiny bug. I know them.

Today, I put my plan into action.

I've being doing research lately about this prison. Hacking into the systems and looking at secret documents. Today, there is to be a meeting about replacing prison cells, moving prisoners and going over execution laws. They were meant to be placed on all of the boys. I can't let that happen.

I dress in a tight skirt, heels, white work shirt and a coat. I tie my hair back in a tight bun and put make up on. I look at her picture once more to make sure I resembled her well.

Tahlia Barnes. Head of crime and investigation. Chief officer in Los Angeles. She's been in the police force for many years and is the most trusted and well known.

Today I'm here to get the boys out of jail.

A car came to pick me up and take me to the meeting in the "formal" room in the prison. It was on the second floor where the security room was. I just needed to make a diversion for the guards in there to leave so I could shut down the system.

We entered the building and no one asked why I looked a little different which was good. The prison was high on security today. I smile and wave at the guards and they stand straight and tall.

"So Miss Barnes, we've received confirmation that Dallas and his boys can be executed by the electric chair." I looked at one of the officers and stopped breathing. I read his name tag, Luke. Act like Tahlia Gracie, Madeline, whoever you are.

"Well tell someone tomorrow will be the set date and I can come and enjoy the show. 11am I'm free."

"Of course Miss Barnes." He wonders off somewhere and the rest of the group leads us into the formal room. God these heels are killing me.

We all take a seat at a big round conference table and begin conversation of the new prison.
"Plans for the new security system have come through as well as the blue prints for the new prison being set up in Texas. We need confirmation that these are what you require and all please." I'm handed a bunch of things at once. I start to get light headed. Keep calm.

"Excuse me a moment, I'm not feeling very well. I will be right back." They nod and talk amongst themselves about making this and that better. I find my way to the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror.

You've been through stuff far worse than this before, as Madeline. Madeline Harp.

You're Gracie now. I don't know my last name Gracie but this is who you are now. This is who you're going to be.

I smile and walk out.

I find the security room and look around for a diversion.

I grab a small ball thing out of my purse and throw it so it makes a loud smash. I hide around the corner out of sight. Two of the guards gets out but one stays. I mentally groan and walk into the room. I take out a pill and see that he's drinking something out of a cup. Perfect. Everything seems easy. When he wasn't looking I throw the pill into the cup and wait till he drinks it.

That wasn't very long.

He knocks out within seconds.

I smile with satisfaction. I grab the keys from his belt and rush to find which cells they're in and which level I needed to go on. When I finished, I made sure that all the security cameras shut down and they couldn't get back up.

Ground level 1 and from cells 215 to 220. I laugh and walk out of the room and begin my journey around the prison.

Dodging guard after guard and creeping around each corner I finally found 215. I take off my heels and grab the keys from my pocket. Apparently every cell had the same key hole

I make sure there were no guards around and I unlock it.

"Taylor? Carter?" I say. They were sleeping. I roll my eyes and walk in. I shake them both and they look at me.


"Yes now hurry up I'm saving your asses." I briefly go over a plan and they nod. I unlock the rest of the cells. Cameron was the last one and he was by himself.

"Cam." I whisper. I close the door and walk over to his bed. I noticed cuts on his arm. "Cameron." I whisper again. I put a hand on his cheek and lean down to kiss him. He wakes up and kisses back. I pull away an he looks at me.

"Gracie?" I nod and he pulls me into a hug.

"Now being all affectionate is nice but we really have to go." He laughs and I pull him out of the cell.

"PUT YOUR HANDS UP WHERE I CAN SEE THEM!" Someone shouts behind us. I groan and twirl around.

"I thought we were going to get out of here the easy way but I guess not." He didn't have ammunition in his gun. I laugh. "Look buddy. If you help us out of here I won't have to kill you. Just do as I say and I will give you something in return." I pull out a gun from my purse and point it straight at him. He shakes a bit and I notice a drop of sweat had fallen. I smile and wink at him. "Very good. Now all you have to say to other people is you're taking them out to work out and I'm supervising their work." He nods and we follow as he walks.

We make it to the front part where I came in from. This was the harder part of the plan. I take a deep breath and reassure myself.

"Open the doors." He scans his card and the doors slide open. Security guards were lines up outside. "Shit." They were all armed and suited up in proper gear.

"Turn around and I back to your cells!" One of them shouts.

"They're with me guys. I'm taking them to do tests to make sure they're capable of the electric chair tomorrow."

"ELECTRIC CHAIR WHAT THE FUCK?" Carter shouts. I put my hand up at him and he calm down.

"Ma'am you have no escorts how do we know you're not lying?" I pull out my fake ID for Tahlia and hand it to him.

"I would appreciate some security but this was the only wimp I could find." I scare the poor boy and he looks as though he was about to cry.

"There's a car waiting outside." He looks at me one more time in a suspicious way. "Please allow me." We walk outside and the boys pile in the car.

"Thank you." I say to the guy.

"It was my pleasure Miss Barnes." I go to get into the car as well but I stop and turn to him.

"You know what is a pleasure?" I smile at him. I pull out the gun again and shoot him. His men come out but I make sure I never miss a target.

I pull myself inside and look at the boys.

"Gracie. I'm grateful for you." Taylor announces. I turn to Cameron and kiss him.

Although it was fairly easy to do that, I was nervous the entire way.

But now. Now I have everything I ever wanted right next to me.

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