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Day 23.

I was going to the mall to get my hair done. Dye it a new colour and get a small trim. It also felt right today since Cameron decided to plan for us. I told him that he needed to rest more because of his arm, but obviously he never listens.

I don't even know what we are.

Are we boyfriend and girlfriend? Or are we just friends who go on dates...

That shouldn't matter to me anyway. This is a job. I'm not actually meant to fall in love with the target of my mission.

I enter the hair salon and one of the workers gives me a seat. When she asks what I would like done, I look at myself in the mirror.

"Ace I think you should get a goldish- blonde brown colour if that makes sense. It would suit you. Matches your eyes." He was right. I try and imagine how I would look and it actually looked pretty good.

I explain to the lady what I'd like and she goes with the flow.

"Have you ever dyed your hair before because your roots are almost the same colour you want to dye it."

"I've never dyed it before." She shrugs and doesn't make a fuss about anything. Why would my hair be the same colour I want to get it done now.

When it was done, my hair length finished just below my boobs and was much lighter. I pay and thank the lady. I get my phone out so I could talk through the earpiece.

"Hey Marcus why did you choose this hair colour."

"Well I saw it on a girl once and I liked how she had it and I thought it would suit you."

"Thanks for thinking about me looking at someone else's hair but is there any other reason?" He goes silent for a bit.

"Ace that's the truth." I need to know. This may just be something ordinary but I have a gut feeling it isn't.

"Okay, I believe you. Now I've got to go and ready." I hear a crackle on the other side but no response.

I go back to my car and drive to my apartment. As I get ready I get strange vibes. I put on my shirt and text Cameron.

Someone knocks on my door and my heart starts beating. I should know all my tactics not to be scared working as an agent but I'm slowly losing what I'm meant to be doing. My mind has been lost.

I open the door slowly, but no one was there. A box sat at my feet with my name on it.

I remember one of the rules I went through with one of the top agents at my testing periods. 'Never open something that you don't know about when you're on the field.' Good advice but who would listen.

Not me.

I cautiously open the box to make sure I wouldn't break anything. I open the lid and a familiar scent floats up to my nose.

Peppermint and vanilla.

I look into the box and see photographs, jewellery and letters. Letters to Cameron.


I never knew what love was until I found you. Until I held your hand and sparks zapped my hand. Until you held me and sent butterflies trying to make their way out of my stomach. Until you kissed me and made me feel the only girl in the world. Cliche I know. But it's not everyday you feel like this. It's a special feeling only done have the pleasure of experiencing.
You've known me now for 3 years. We both know that I'm not good with dates but I'm positive we began to be friends on the 3rd of May, 2009. Correct me if I'm wrong. I remember you showing me around school on my first day and being my only friend. Now look where we are. We're together. I've never been happier.
Friendship lasts along time and I have a feeling ours is going to last an eternity.

Love always,

I drop the paper and go through the rest of the box. Photos of them together. Photos of them with some of the Cameron's friends. More letters.

My hurricane of thoughts gets interrupted by the buzzer going off.

I catch my breath and stand up. I grab my phone and jacket and lock my door as I head out. I go to the parking garage and get in Cameron's car.

"Hey beautiful. Ready?" He kisses my cheek and smiles.

"Ready as I'll ever be." I somewhat mumble. He furrows his eyebrows at me but shrugs it off. As we drive I take a deep breath.

I'm not mad at him. I'm confused.

"How's your arm?"

"It's been better. I can move it a bit more now which is good. It still hurts when I make sudden movements."

"Aw do I need to kiss it better?" I say in a weird voice.

"There she is." He says. His laugh echoed inside my head. What is wrong with me?

"What do you mean?"

"You seemed so upset before."

"Oh." I look out of the window and watch the streetlights zoom past. We pull into a restaurant and we get out.

"Woah your hair."

"Oh yeah I forgot. Is it okay?" He stands frozen staring straight at me. A look of confusion and anger filled his face. "Cameron?"

"Why that specific colour?"

"The hairdresser recommended it." He stares at me again for a bit.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Mia." He shakes his head and laughs.

"I have to go."

"Cameron wh-"

"I have to go." He growls. I step back and watch as he walks away.

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