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Day 3.

I agreed to meet up with Cameron today. I put on every day clothes and find the park he told me to meet him at.

I sit at the picnic bench I saw him sitting by himself on. He looked cute from a distance.

"Hey." I say. He looks up and smiles at me.

"Hey gorgeous. I thought we'd go watch a movie. Perhaps The Shallows?" I shrug.

"I'm cool with anything." For a gang leader and drug dealer he seems like a fairly normal person.

"Perfect." He takes my hand and we walk the little way to the movie theatre.

After getting the popcorn and tickets, we take a seat in the middle since we were he first ones in here.

"Tell me a little about yourself Mia." He says taking a handful of popcorn.

"My full names Mia George. I'm weird, I like food and well I just moved here from Florida."

"What made you move?"

"I had a gut feeling that by coming here I could find apart of me. My mom was from here and she was never happy in Florida with my dad. I wanted to see what made her so happy when she came here." He puts an arm around me and I move closer to him.

"You will find what made her happy eventually." I look up at him and smile.

A few people come in and the previews start playing. The movie finally began and it was more suspenseful than anything I've ever watched.

We left the cinema and decided to go to a cafe and talk.

"I want to get to know you better and talking over coffee is better than anything. Or a hot chocolate." We take a seat that that the waitress took us to. Hot chocolate was my order.

"So what about you? Your story?" I ask.

"I don't really have much of a story. Born and raised here. Dropped out of school for no reason. Nothing really." I tried to drag more information out of him. Anything that sort of related to the topic of what he does now without making it seem obvious.

Soft approach on the subject.

I gave up on asking him and eventually made up more of a background story.

"What happened to your mom?"

"She died of cancer when I was 6."

"I'm sorry to hear that." He places his hand on top of him and squeezes it a little. I smile.

"When I was younger, my mom gave me a little jewellery box which would play Für Elise for me each time I opened it. It had a little ballerina standing in her tip toe, spinning around. When she died, my dad didn't take it well and broke the box because it reminded him to much of her. Almost everything of hers, he burnt, ruined and or destroyed. It hurt me so much, but he was in more pain than I was." This story was making me upset and it wasn't even mine.

I don't really remember my childhood.

"Just over 4 years ago, my girlfriend was in a car accident. She was in a coma and I would go in and visit her every day. Every day I would bring in a new bunch of flowers. I would write to her what happened that day, I would do everything I could which would try to wake her up. Place a kiss on her lips every time I had to leave her. One day when I went in, she was gone. I asked every nurse and doctor that could've possible worked with her. No one had even heard the name before. "Gracie. Beautiful blondish-brown hair. Golden eyes. I could tell you everything about her. Now she's gone. I don't know where she is or how she's doing. It's been four years."

"We've both lost something important." He brings my hand to his lips and plants a soft kiss. 

"It's the past. We can't be stuck there forever. The only way is forward."

I agree with him. We continue to talk while drinking our hot chocolates and eating some cookies.

He walks me back to my temporary apartment and makes me promise I can see him again.

I go upstairs and turn my earpiece on.

"Madeline, you're going great. We're sending you a couple new pieces of equipment that may be of good use to you. Keep it up." Marcus says. I thank him and take out he piece and contact camera.

I put on my pyjamas and lay down on my bed. Slowly falling a sleep.

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