Chapter 21

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"Isn't that cheating though?" Lewis asks, raising his eyebrows and chuckling.

"Pssssshhhht! Me? Cheat? Never!" I giggle as I pour the water onto the boiling lava. I watch Alexis roll her eyes with a small laugh and Lewis cross his arms with a snort. I flash them a smile and turn around, losing my footing. "Oh shrimp!" I squeak out, my voice cracking. I see bright orange liquid flash infront of me a squeeze my eyes shut waiting for the burning feeling. Instead of the burning though I feel an arm wrap around my waist.

"Be careful!" Lewis snaps as he pulls me away from the lava and I release the breath I didn't know I had been holding.

"T-Thanks Lewis..." I say as I open my eyes. I feel my cheeks flush slightly at how close we are for the millionth time. Out of nowhere I hear a female voice begin chanting.

"Kiss, kiss, kiss!" Alexis says with a laugh. Lewis and I quickly pull away from eachother.

"Shut the glub up Alexis," I snap, blushing even more than before.

"Yeah!" Lewis says quickly. Looking over at him I can see that he is obviously blushing. Maybe even more than I am. Alexis and Simon only respond by falling over with laughter.

"You guys, should have, SEEN, your faces!," Simon pushes out through his laughter.

"You jumped away from eachother like your life depended on it!" Alexis adds. I cover my face with embarresment.

"Shut up," I grumble through my fingers, causing my voice to become muffled. Alexis and Simon just laugh harder. I pull my fingers away from my face and avoid looking at Lewis. "I'm going to go get the loot!" I say turning back towards the pyramid. I can see Lewis open his mouth to protest out of the corner of my eye, but see him quickly shut it when Simon lets out another snort of laughter.

"Be careful," Lewis mumbles, looking at his feet and blushing slightly again. Ignoring the other two's teasing words I carefully make my way across the newly formed obsidian and quickly reach the chests. I soon have looked through all of them and groan.

"This was SO not worth almost dying for!" I shout to the others as I make my way back across.

"Why what is it?" Simon asks.

"A bunch of useless stuff!" I say as I hand him some of the "loot" I had grabbed.

"I guess you were jusified to cheat then," Alexis says with a small laugh.

"We should head back," Lewis suggests and everyone turns to face him.

"Yeah... Jacob and Eve are probably worried," I  respond. With murmered words of agreement fro mthe others we start back, pushing and teasing eachother as we go. It takes half of the day to get back and I'm thankful we didn't have to deal with the monsters. My sword was almost broken and I didn't want to have no protection. Before we even walk through the door to the Yogcave Eve is already out questioning us.

"Did you catch him? Did he hurt anyone? Did anyone die? Why were you gone so long? Were there any-" She asks all in one breath and I cut her off before she can start again.

"We didn't catch him he was too fast and we were gone so long because we found a pyramid with lava parkour in it," I say with a smile.

"Yeah Emily almost fell in but Lewis caught her," Alexis says with a giant smile.

"What's this about someone almost dying?" Jacob says, coming up behind Eve and making her jump.

"We found some lava parkour and Emily almost fell in. I caught her though," Lewis says to him.

"I'm not surprised she almost fell, she is literally the clumsiest person ever," Jacob says with a laugh. I stick my tongue out at him.

"Oh shut up," I giggle, pushing past Eve to punch on the shoulder.

"Ow!" He chuckles and I skip inside.

"What should we do next?" I ask looking around.

"I say we put the heating on," I hear Simon say and I can hear the grin in his voice. I turn around quickly to ee him oull out his flint and steel.

"Don't you dare!" I say, walking towards him. "This is a wooden floor!"

"Whoops, my finger slipped!" He laughs as he starts a fire. I quick;ly search my inventory for my water bucket,

"We have to put the fire out get water or something!" I say pulling out my water bucket and pouring it on the quickly spreading fire. It doesn't stop all of it and I squeak when I feel flames threatening to burn me. I jump back. "Simon why would you do th-," I start, but when I take a step back there is nothing there and I plummet into darkness, screaming.

A/N ~ PSSSSHHHHTTTT I totally have been updating... Look I'm really sorry and stuff but I have motivation problems :( . I'll try harder

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