Chapter 23

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Emily's POV -

For a second everything was dark. I hear the quiet murmering of thoughts in the back of my brain, but only one spoke loud and clear at first. Am I dead? If this was death i could already tell I hated it. I didn't even know why I hadn't reswaned yet if it was death. Rather annoying in my opinion. I sit there for what seemed like hours, but probably was only minutes, thoughts rushing through my mind. They are the only thing I hear. It's rather scary and I fell my heart  I was so wrapped up in these thoughts that I didn't even notice that the world around me had gotten lighter and lighter untill I heard the distant sound of roaring fire and shouting dragging me back into reality.

 "You alright Em?" I heard Lewis' worried voice call out to me. I frown to myself and angled my head up to face him. Lewis gave me a concerned look when we made eye contact and pursed his lips together. "Em?" He said knitting his eyebrows together with worry. I gave him a shaky smile and struggled to stand up in the small space.

"Yeah I'm fine," I said waving his question off and looking around the tiny space encasing me. "What is this thing though? There a sapling and and rose down here and that is literally it." I questioned, looking up at Lewis for his answer. It becomes obvious, however, when he shrugs down at me that he has no clue either and I groan. "Effing heck. Can you at least throw some stuff down so I can build back up? And then you should probably deal with that fire," I say with a smile.

"Oh mother fu-," He starts before cutting himself off with a groan. "Here," he says as he chucks some dirt blocks at me and moves out of my view with some mumbled curses and a few shouts I can't make out. I start to build up and listen as the sound of fire being put out grows louder and louder.

Lewis' POV ~

The second I hear the familiar scream I am already moving, expertly dodging the quickly spreading fire. I let out a few quiet curses as I get singed by a small flame, but keep moving, running on the adrenaline of saving one of my friends. "You guys deal with the fire!" I shout back to the others as I skid to a halt in front of the drop down to where Emily had fallen.

"Yeah give us the hard job while you run off to save your girlfriend," I hear Alexis shout, amusement heavy in her voice. I tense up for a moment and roll my eyes when I hear Eve and Simon start laughing. 

"Oh shut up. Your one to talk. You and Jacob are totally banging," I shoot back turning to face her with my eyebrows raises. Alexis shoots me a glare, her face going red and I laugh when Jacob sputters out a surprised noise.

"W-We are not!" He says, his face even more red than Alexis' and I crack up.

"Just deal with the fire," I laugh and turn back to the hole. Emily is leant against one of the dirt walls I can see from up here and I furrow my brows in worry. "You alright Em?" I call out, worry heavy in my voice.

Emily's POV ~ 

After dealing with the fire and throwing various insults at Simon we had decided it would be best for us to split up. Lewis, Simon, Jacob and Eve had gone of on a quest to find more ore and keep an eye out for the pale man. Alexis and I had been given the unfortunate task of cleaning up SIMON'S mess. I was rather annoyed with the entire situation to tell the truth. I was glad I at least got to spend time with Alexis though. She was one of my closest friends. We spent the entire time chopping down logs making inappropriate joke, mostly consisting of wood jokes, and just talking about the ridiculousness of the situation we had found ourselves in.

We did, however manage to repair the floor rather quickly and soon enough the others had returned as well. We all began smelting the ore and joking around until Eve's shaky voice rose up above the rest of the chatter. "G-Guys? T-The name-tag. It- It's back!" She says and we all freeze and fall silent. I felt a smirk stretch across my face before I can stop it and I pull out the bow I had crafted.

"Well then," I say and I feel everyone's eyes move to me. "Let's kill that thing!"

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