Chapter 4

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Picture of Jordan --------------->



Rosaline’s POV

Opening my eyes I shut them fast. The sunlight that is entering through the window is shining brightly blinding me. Squinting, I waited until my eyes adjusted to the light before opening them completely. I took a quick glance towards my alarm clock and I was surprised, I woke up an hour early. Getting up I made my way to the bathroom to take a shower. Stripping quickly I jumped into the shower and took my first long shower ever. The warm water fell down on my body soothing my muscles and relaxing me. I sighed at the feeling, it was like magic. The water drops caressing my body taking away all the pain and replacing it with calmness. My broken rib was now practically healed, allowing me to move more freely than yesterday.

 Under the water, I let my mind drift to the day the next full moon will appear. In four days I will shift for the first time and honestly I’m quite terrified. The males shift once they hit puberty, but the females shift the first full moon after their eighteenth birthday. We cannot find our mates until we have both shifted. I’ve always dreamt of my mate. My prince charming that will save me. Instead of being trapped in a tower, I’m in a basement. I just wish I find him so he can take me away from this place. I just wish I had the courage to run away but I can’t because I know the pack will hunt me down and kill me. When a pack mate runs away, their punishment is becoming an omega, but in my case I will be sent to The Were Organization which is made up of the most powerful wolves. My case might be imprisonment, the worst is execution where you will be tortured and killed slowly for breaking the oath of a pack. The thought of that brings ice cold shivers down my spine.

Clearing my mind from that thought, I turned off the water and stepped out of the shower to get dressed. Today is the first day back to school from spring break. Everybody there is human, including the teachers. The only wolves there are my pack. Connor, Liam, Richard and I are seniors in Jasper High. The others in our pack were freshmen, juniors or sophomores. High school was very easy for us because we have good memory, so all our grades are high even though we don’t study at all.

Stepping out of the bathroom wrapped up in a towel, I made my way to my closet to get dressed. I looked at the clock and I gasped. I quickly put on sweats and a sweater, combed my hairs as fast as I can and grabbed my cover up. Quickly covering my face as fast as I can, I made my way upstairs to the kitchen to start breakfast. I entered the kitchen and opened the fridge taking everything out.

“Why are you late” I jumped from hearing someone speak behind me. I turned fast and froze; the alpha was sitting in his seat on the head of the table. I bent my head down and answered him with obedience.

“I’m sorry I lost track of time”

“Hurry up, we need to leave to school in an hour” he spoke to me without even looking up from the morning paper he was reading.  I was literally running around like a moron trying to finish the breakfast for the pack before they came down here.

After everybody has eaten we made our way to school. Connor, Liam and Richard each had their own car and the rest either shared one or had their own. Me on the other hand, I walked to school every day. The pack members wouldn’t be caught dead walking beside me in school so they didn’t give me rides.

Twenty minutes later I rfinally eached the school entrance. The bell didn’t ring for another five minutes so I walked up to a tree and sat under it. In the spare time I looked around and spotted the pack members. Connor and Liam are the popular guys in school. Event though they were the alpha and beta of a werewolf pack, they affected the humans too. They were in a group of guys and girls. Connor had two girls draped all over him and Liam had one on his right. As if sensing me looking, Connor looked straight at me and my eyes opened wide. Just then the bell rang and I sighed with relief. Saved by the bell.

Getting up, I made my way inside the building and into my homeroom class. I usually sat in the back, which helped me stay invisible. My spot was right beside the window and I always sat alone. The late bell rang and Ms. Turner my homeroom teacher came in.

“Good morning students and welcome back from you spring break. I hope you had a won…” I zoned her out. All the humans do is blab on and on and on. They never just cut to the chase and get on with their lives. “…new student and his name is Jordan” that caught my attention. We never have new students unless they were freshman. I heard the chair next to me scrape against the ground. Frowning I looked to my side and my breath caught. A very handsome human sat beside me. He turned towards me and smiled. He was very hot. His eyes shining and his smile just wow.

“Hi, my name is Jordan” he spoke to me. His voice was very deep and masculine. I turned my head away and bowed. “You didn’t tell me your name”.

I looked up and frowned. “Are you talking to me?” I asked him in a small voice

“Well yeah I am” he smiled.

“Why are you talking to me?” I asked him confused.

“Well, I’m new here and I don’t know anybody” he answered simply, shrugging and looking at me strangely.

I heard a low growl in the room. I knew it was Liam because only he had homeroom with me. He was warning me to not speak to Jordan. Humans couldn’t have heard the growl because it was only for werewolf ears. Obeying, I turned around from Jordan and pretended to focus on what the teacher was saying. He tried to talk to me several times during class but I ignored him.

I was an outcast in school that had no friends, why would an attractive human talk with me? I thought to myself. Alpha Connor told the whole school to ignore me and if anyone tried to befriend me they would get bullied by the popular seniors, nobody would risk getting humiliated inpublis and get their reputation ruined for me.

The bell rang and everyone stood up to leave for their next class.

“Hey can you please help me?” Jordan spoke in a small voice. I looked up at him, his eyes shone in sadness.

“What’s wrong?” I couldn’t help but ask. Sadness and vulnerability were vibrating from his eyes.

“I get that you don’t want to talk to me and all, it’s just that I’ve never really had a friend before and I thought I would...never mind” he spoke in an innocent voice which practically tore my heart. Sighing I couldn’t not answer.

“I’m Rosaline” I spoke in a defeated voice. He looked at me and smiled.

“Well rose, I can feel a strong friendship between us” my mouth dropped open.

“You tricked me!”  I said in disbelief and my eyebrows shot up. Jordan slung his hand over my shoulder and guided me towards the classroom door.

“Me? Now why would I do that?” he asked in an innocent voice. My jaw dropped open and I rolled my eyes. Something tells me that it’ll be hard to get rid of this guy, all I hope is that I don’t get In trouble with the pack.

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