chapter 16

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Chapter 16

            Rosaline/ Melissa’s POV

            People say that time freezes when you see the people who ruined your live and scarred your soul, I would say the exact opposite. I can feel anger and hatred bubble inside me wanting to explode like a nuclear bomb. All the pain that I went through, all the scars that are still visible on my skin that I still need to cover them up with foundation and crap. It sucks even more because now me being a full werewolf, all my emotions are quadrupled and intensified. Being it a full moon tonight didn’t help at all.

            My jaw was clenched so tightly that my teeth were about to shatter into tiny pieces any second now. I can feel my fingers digging into my palm from the anger, almost piercing through my skin. All the scents of the school, human and were, attacked my nostrils making my wolf go crazy.

            When I stepped out of the car this morning, I was scared shitless slightly terrified. I didn’t know what I was going to do when I saw my former pack, who doesn’t know that I'm still breathing and alive. My last encounter of them was when He attacked me and pulled off my arm. Funny thing is that I still have the teeth mark embedded in my skin reminding me for the rest of my life what my own brother did. I even still have the scar that ran from the side of my ribs to my back that was fashionably made by Richard when he slapped me a little over four months ago. My body was a reminder of all the scars and pain they put me through. 

            Erik came to my side and gave me an encouraging smile. I tried to smile back but I'm sure it turned out as a grimace. I looped my arm through his and we made our way to the high school that was my safe house back a little less than a week ago. It’s really surprising that everything happened to me; from ‘dieing’ to bonding and living with my parents were only about five days. Five days! It felt like months if not years. Me and Erik were really close now, practically best friends. He knew everything that happened to me so it made our bonding easier.

            Once we reached the school doors, I noticed that the pack weren’t in their usual hang out spot. The only people outside were the humans who were staring at us right now not even blinking. Werewolves were really attractive once they turn and the attention from humans is just natural. Looking around, I didn’t notice or find anyone familiar to me. I didn’t used to pay attention to my surroundings back then. The pack made it clear to stay away from me everyone obeyed except for one person, Jordan, who was now my new family. I haven’t called Erik as Jordan since the day my parents told me not to. Not only am I considered dead, but also I’m living a fake identity, how great! 

            We entered through the door, still joined by the arms. Erik was supporting most of my weight and giving me strength. “I know you can do it Mel. You just need to stay strong and I'm always here for you.” He whispered lowly in my ear so if there were wolves nearby they wouldn’t hear, I nodded in response not trusting my voice. And there they were, about fifty meters away from me, standing in a huge circle laughing and talking. I guess they're happy that I'm gone so they don’t have a girl in their pack. They really are bastards. I stopped walking and stood staring at the fucked up people that I once considered family. Anger was consuming my fear and the only thought that rang through my mind was revenge, sweet old revenge. Revenge is a thousand times stronger than death itself and I'm planning on making it a million. I found out that apparently being the last descendant of my family, I inherited a bit of ‘power’. I can control things that move with my mind and I'm sure that’ll come in handy someday.

            “Let’s go Mel, perish that thought out of your mind.” Erik whispered and pulled me by my arm that was looped around his. Erik had his own power where he could feel people’s emotions and alter it. I came to a conclusion that my life is all fucked up. I wonder if there are any wolf therapists because that sure will come in handy right now. Erik was pulling me into a direction away from the pack who I haven’t removed my eyes from the whole time. we were about to round the corner when Conner snapped his head up, his eyes meeting mine directly before I turned the corner. Shit! What if he saw right through my disguise and knew who I was. I bit my lip hard and all the anger I had buzzing through me quickly left me leaving behind dread.  “You’re thinking too much. We will get our schedules from the office and leave to our classrooms. We are new here don’t blow it Mel” Erik warned me. I took a deep breath and nodded. I can do this.

            We got our schedules and all the paperwork and crap then made our way to the first class, homeroom. Liam had this class too. I don’t know how I would feel to see my brother, the person who killed me. It was a great thing that Erik had the same classes as me in the morning and after lunch I was on my own. I don’t even want to think what was going to happen to me all alone. The warning bell rang about three minutes ago so the hallways were all empty except for me and Erik leaning against the wall waiting for the right moment to go through the door where I will see my brother.

            “Are you ready?” Erik’s hand cupped my cheek and turned me to face him. We both still had our sunglasses on. I nodded in response and pushed myself off the wall to open the class door and enter it.

            The second we stepped through the door, about twenty pairs of eyes shot to us making me squirm. Their eyes were judging and criticising, fucking humans! I thought out loud with my lip curling up in a snarl on disgust. “Class, we have two new students today” Ms. Turners voice rang through the silence of our class. “Would you like to introduce yourselves to the class?” she asked looking at us. I can see the debate going on in her mind to tell us to remove the shades or not. I saw her shoulders shrug a tiny inch then turned back to the class waiting for our response. I looked at Erik who just shrugged in response.

            “My name is Melissa”

            “And I'm Erik” we were about to leave to the end of the room but the teacher stopped us. “Tell us something else about you” fuck man! Humans really do love to gossip and blab. I looked back at Erik who just stood with a bored expression and I saw his lip twitch a bit.

            “We are from Michigan and Melissa is my girlfriend.” And to prove it, he wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me further to his side than pushed me to the seats in the back where we previously sat, by the window. I turned to him and glared at him and his response was a huge smile. Rolling my eyes I turned away from him and looked up making direct eye contact with Liam.


Sorry its short! I dont really like this chapter and I need to work on making it better.Omg almost five thousand reads! Im soo excited! After I finish the book I will come back and edit it and refix it to make it sound better. Tell me what you think, what you believe I should fix/change, advice, comments, ideas! I dont bite so tell me what you think. dont forget to vote!

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