chapter 11

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aaannd heres the new chapter............

Chapter 11

Rosaline’s POV

The wolves around me didn’t twitch, not even a single movement. They’re heads lowered down in a bowed manner while they’re behinds were still in the air. Then all of a sudden as if hypnotized they all stood up straight their heads high in the air radiating power and strength. They then began to walk in a circle rotating clockwise in front of me. They took the exact same path not one stepping out of line and they're steps were in sync, left paws then right paws left paws then right. They walked silently not one sounded emitted from them. They're heads were still straight up in the air prideful while they seem to be doing a ritual of some sort. The whole time these actions were being performed by these unfamiliar wolves, I stood in the same position in the middle not moving a single muscle. I’m pretty sure I didn’t even blink. My ears were flat against my head which was close to the ground analysing the steps and movements of the wolves ready to pounce at any threatening gesture made by them.

After twirling like a marry-go-round around me for the past five minutes which felt like hours, the stopped. Once they had all turned to face me they sat down on their fat furry butts and looked at me expectantly. If a werewolf had additional muscles in our faces to show emotions I’m sure I would look like some idiot staring at them with confusion and stupidity. A couple seconds passed of them just sitting there patiently doing nothing I suddenly felt a burning sensation on my back. It started from the bottom of my spine and spread all around my waist then up my spine till my shoulder blades; which felt like it was filling me up with a warm and heated feeling. My tail and forehead started to tingle again and it sent shivers down my spine and it was the good kind.

Panting, my wolf legs gave out on me and I stumbled down with my head laying on my paws and tail wrapped close to me. My eyes felt droopy and drowsy even though I’m not sleepy. My body felt like it was sucked out of all he energy. Suddenly, the second my eyes closed I felt a hand on my head petting me between my ears, startled I stood up shocked and stumbled back hitting into something that seems like as hard as a tree trunk. Looking around, my wolf senses were on high alert and ready to strike at any movement. “Easy there Rosaline, it’s just me honey” my dad’s voice in my head boomed out freaking the living shit out of me. The suddenness of his voice made me jump and land on my wolf butt while my paws dug into the dirt trying to get myself to go back.

A booming laughter brought me back from crazy-land. Looking around I noticed that the wolves were gone and in their place were my parents and their friends. Frowning I looked around and noticed that they all were all in a hideous silk woven cover. Pulling up my lip at the distaste of the ugly cloth around them I then realised something. They were basically naked! My eyes shot open wide and I brought up my paws to cover up my eyes trying to shake out the image of my parents...bleh! just the thought makes me gag. Laughter broke out around me making a short growl of annoyance rip through my lips.

“Admit it kid, you love drooling at a chest like mine, check me out I got abs that would send every man on ear to shame” I heard a deep voice speak then a slapping sound. Removing my paw from my eye a little, I saw Angel rubbing the back of his neck grumbling angrily while Clare stood beside him admiring her nails, which thanks to my now more improved eyesight, I noticed were perfectly manicured.

            Standing back up straight I looked around confused. “We know honey that you’re a bit confused but we will explain the only thing is that we need you to change back to your human form so you can understand everything better” my dad’s soft voice spoke to me. I was about to nod my head but a thought crossed my mind. I’ll be naked! No way in hell that I’m going to change back. I started to shake my head vigorously.

            “Don’t worry you will be covered” I heard my mom’s voice speak for the first time. “Alright baby, I want you to concentrate on your human body. Imagine yourself in front of a mirror and let yourself just get washed my your image”

            I followed orders and closed my eyes remembering the last time I took a look of myself in front of a mirror. I imagined my blonde hair and my green eyes looking back at me. My body started to tingle, and then my bones felt like they were cracking and breaking all over again but this time the pain wasn’t as bad. My spine straightened and my body and hands resized to the normal human length. My ears and snout shrank down back to their human characteristics and now I was completely human kneeling on my knees and hands with my hair everywhere. Groaning at the change I tried to move but I collapsed flat face-first on the ground groaning out loud. My breath was coming out in short labored pants and it was quite difficult to breath at first because of how sore and sensitive my body was.

            I felt large and strong arms wrap around me helping me up. The body’s heat was flowing off of him in waves making me shiver against them. When I was completely standing the hands were now holding onto me and they were slowly pulling away from me. When I lost all contact from the person I swayed and I was about to crumple back to the ground if the hands didn’t shoot back and steady me. Lifting my hand up to rub my forehead I winced. Not only did I have a killer headache but my hand now was throbbing in pain. And they said changing wolf was the best feeling ever, I scoffed loudly and rolled my eyes at that thought. Best feeling my ass because all I was feeling right now was nothing but damn pain running through my veins. “Rosaline you’re going to be sore for a couple days because your body wasn’t ready for the change. The coming full moon isn’t until three more nights; you changed before everyone else did. Now I recommend to you not to move around a lot because your muscles are still stretched out and you are highly sensitive right now” Clair said.

            I felt a cool breeze against my shoulders and my eyebrows crunched up in confusion. Looking down I couldn’t help but let out a screech. The tiny ugly grey silky fabric that was supposedly to help me cover up barely covered up my feminine parts. My face heated up badly and my hands shot out to try to cover as much as I can from my visible at the same time trying to walk away from the hands that were holding onto my waist. I didn’t think before I moved my hands and legs and all of a sudden pain shot through my body making me groan out loudly. Dammit! I can’t move a single bloody muscle without letting pain shoot through me and I was trying to cover up my body! Stupid ungrateful body, that’s what I get for trying to cover you up. I’m officially losing my mind I’m now talking to my body. My eyes were closed tightly trying not to let out the tears that were threatening to fall out.

            Warm hands appeared out of nowhere and picked me up bridal style. I squealed loudly but I couldn’t help but hold my breath at the feeling those hands were giving me. My eyes were still shut so I didn’t know who they were but all I knew was they were very strong and had a hard chest. I waited for the pain to come but it didn’t, instead the person holding me brought exactly the opposite of pain. The pleasure it sent through my body made me sigh and lose control of all feeling of my body. I started to go limp and my body started to finally relax. Eyes drooping, my mind started to shut and sleep started to pull at my mind. A second before sleep consumed me whole I heard a whisper in my ear that did the trick. “Go to sleep little one, I got you” and with those words whispered into my ears, I fell into darkness.


i want to thank everyone thats reading my story! you truly do motivate me by how much reads, comments and votes i get! i will try my hardest to upload the next chapter asap. i hope you like this chapter and if you find something that needs fixing or more work on dont hesitate to tell me!

dont forget to like etc etc! again thank you guys tons!

lets see if ill be able to get more than 10 votes for this chapter? pweety pwease with an enormous cherry oontop? :)

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