Chapter 2

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 picture of Alpha Connor --------------------------------------------->

{This chapter was Edited}


All I could see was darkness. Everywhere I looked it was pitch black. Suddenly a bright light appeared out of nowhere sucking me deep into it. I couldn’t feel my body. All I could feel was aching pain. I tried to move my hands but I felt weightless. My fingers were numb and I couldn’t feel anything other than pain buzzig everywhere. I struggled but after a while I was successful in opening my eyes. I was lying on something hard and cold. At first I thought my eyes were still closed until I saw a street light shining through my window. Then I noticed that I was lying on the floor of my room. I quickly shot up but regretted it. Pain shot through my left side and my head throbbed..

I held onto my head tightly with my hands, my eyes squeezed shut, until the pain subsided. Finally, my headache calmed down but my side still hurt. I touched my ribs on the left and almost screamed in agony. I must’ve shattered my rib when I hit the wall. Closing my eyes I remembered the slap Richard gave me and the thought brought tears to my eyes. Bending my head down, I thought of my brother. How could he let this happen to me? I’m his younger sister for Christ’s sake!

I started to sob. Quickly, I put my hand to my mouth to stop any sounds from coming out. They didn’t even bother to put me in my bed. They just threw me on the ground like some piece of trash. I can’t do anything about it because I haven’t shifted yet and I’m practically useless; im also a girl how will I have any advantage over fourteen grown male wolves? I still need four months to shift. The thought of shifting brought some happiness and a little bit of hope to my heart. Maybe if I shifted I would be treated better or better yet, they'll allow me to leave.

Struggling, but I managed to get myself up and head slowly to the bathroom to clean myself up. Looking in the mirror, my eyes started to tear up and blur my vision. Where Richard slapped me, there is a large ugly bruise that is the colour of a disgusting purple. It would take days for it to heal completely. I pulled up my shirt to take a look at my ribs. I started to sob again. There was a large scar that ran from the edge of my ribs on my stomach all the way to the back. It was a pinkish colour, which shows it just healed recently. These types of scars don’t go away. They are permanent not even our increased healing abilities would make it disappear.

I closed my eyes for a second and sniffed. Peeling off my dirty clothing being careful not to touch my recent beating I made my way to the shower to clean myself. Opening the water so it was warm I stepped under it. I sighed as the water felt like magic on my tense and sore muscled from sleeping on the floor. Water soaked my hair and it plastered on my face. Using my vanilla scented shampoo; I squirted some and raised my right hand to wash my hair. Raising my left one was too painful. After all the shampoo was rinsed I repeated the same step but using conditioner this time.

Stepping out from under the soothing shower, I wrapped a towel around me and opened the bathroom door. My stomach rumbled from hunger so I quickly got dressed and left my room heading towards the kitchen to prepare something to eat. With every step I take, my ribs burn in pain making me bite my lip again hoping that no sound will come out.

“Where do you think you’re going?” I heard an angry voice speaking to me. I quickly snapped my eyes towards the source of the voice.

“A-alpha I was on m-my way t-to the k-kitchen” I quickly stuttered out panicking. I never thought I would see anyone awake at this time.

“Get out of my way I have more important things to do than stand here and talk with a slave” he said with a sneer.

I quickly made my way to the kitchen and looked around to prepare something to eat. Hearing footsteps I looked towards the kitchen opening and in came my worst nightmare. Richard. He raised an eyebrow at me and I quickly made my way out of the kitchen with a plate of food in my hands. Before I had a chance of escaping he grabbed my hair which I tied into a ponytail before I made my way to the kitchen. My eyes widened in fear and I started to hyperventilate.

“I see the bruise on your face turned out better than I thought it would” he grinned. He was sick. “Maybe I should give you another one on your right cheek too so it would be a matching pair?” he thought crazily. I started to cry

“Pp-please l-let m-me g-goo” I spoke between each sob. He pulled me back by my hair and I screamed in pain. I let go of the plate I was holding to hold on to my hair. Tears were pouring down my cheeks and I was beyond terrified.

“Let her go Rick you already put enough marks on her” the alphas bored tone spoke as he walk away. Richard pushed me away and let go of my hair causing me to fall down on my painful side side. I bit my lip to stop the sounds of pain from ripping through my lips and stopped breathing hoping that the pain would lessen.

“Fine I’m going, I’m going.” He bent down so he was eyelevel with me and spoke in a hushed whisper “you were saved this time but don’t think you would be lucky next time” and he walked away.

Holding onto my side I got up and left the kitchen to go back to my room. I saw movement from the side of my eye so I looked up the stairs and saw my brother standing there. Suddenly he turned around and walked away as if he didn’t see nor hear anything. As quick as I can I went down the stairs to my room and locked the door in case.  I made my way slowly to my single bed and lied down carefully trying to not put weight on my side. Turning my face so it was covered by the pillow I allowed the tears to fall down. I cried and cried until not a single drop came out. I then drifted off into restless sleep.

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