Chapter 24

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This is the completely edited I had to rewrite it all over again because wattpad kept listing it as restricted.


                Chapter 24

                Rosaline/ Melissa's pov

I stared wide eyed at Richard as he practically ripped open the button of his jeans and roughly pulled them down. Once they were free from one leg he kicked it off of his other leg, making it fly and hit the wall across the tiny room I was in. The white colours we dullness of it was driving me crazy. It reminded me of my old room; of old memories which I wish I could just forget.

            Richard turned to me and gave me a menacing and cruel smile, making my heart stop in fear and eyes well up with unshed tears. Richard advanced at me like a predator seeking its prey. With every passing second that Richard came closer to me, my vision blurred more and more until all I could see were the faint grey shades of everything around me. I shut my eyes tight and felt the water leak from the corners of my eyes. Nothing can save me now, nothing. I guess this is it.

            I really am not sad or afraid that I am dieing; that I will probably not see the next day or the day after that instead I am happy that I will be saved from this world. Earth is like hell for me, not a single day goes by without me getting punished. I was crying that I will leave this hell-hole impure, dirty and raped. I was once innocent and after what Richard will do to me I will be merely a whore, skank and tramp; everything that I desperately did not want part of. I wanted my mate to be the one to take my virginity; the one that would cross a bridge of fire and kill a ferocious dragon just to burst through my bedroom door and save me. My mate that would be my knight in shining armour, I guess fairy tales and happy endings are full of shit.

            A jab to my side snapped me out of my thoughts, making me stare directly into the eyes of Richard, black swirls of hate and darkness that were merely inches away from my own. My heart sped up, I felt like I was punched in the gut. “Are you ready for some fun? Well I know I am and I will promise to you to make it as painful as I possibly can.” He gave me a short, toe curling laugh before his lips attacked mine. Biting and pulling, Richard practically tore my bottom lip off, his canines digging so hard that I felt blood trickle down my chin and into my mouth.

The bed rattled and shifted vigorously before it all stood still. The only noise was the sound of my breathing which was shallow and short. I waited for about two seconds before I felt pain like I’ve never felt before. It started from my lower area and it spread causing a loud scream that practically made the earth shake to erupt from deep within me. I felt like I was being ripped apart into two. I’ve been beaten and used as a punching bag but not even broken ribs and hip bones was as painful as what I felt right now. “Open your eyes and watch.” A growl broke out somewhere in the room. My eyes on their own will snapped open and looked down to see Richard giving me a look of pure evilness. He was on his knees and standing so close to me, particularly closer to my- NO! Please no, please no! My eyes opened so wide that my vision became blurry and my breathing so short that it seemed like I was panting after a fifty kilometer non-stop run. He did it. The bastard stole my virginity. My eyes rained water like Niagara Falls but now, now they were so dry that not even a single tear fell out. My body was absolutely numb. I couldn’t feel a single thing that was going on which is fantastic for me.


I remember the time when I was about six years of age. Every night my mom and dad used to tuck me in for bed and they sat on both sides of me. My dad would hold on hand and my mom the other. They used to tell me to believe in god; to pray for him and never lose faith in his ability. They used to tell me that all I needed to do was ask god nicely for something and he would grant it like a gene or a fairy. I don’t see him now. The only time I actually prayed for something from him he never answered. I don’t know what I have done for god to ignore me or forget about me. I probably was a serial killer in my past life that murdered children according to the English alphabets or I was probably some insane terrorist maniac that bombed down a bridge full of people or a train during rush hour. I don’t know what I did for god to just abandon me. I’ve never asked of anything from him. I never asked to be saved from my pack, I’ve never asked for friends or a mate. All I asked was for my innocence and it seems that I am not worthy enough to be granted that.

            Where are you god? Do you really hate me that much? I watched with my eyes as Richards eyes closed and his brows furrowed as if concentrating on something and I felt it. Something wet filled my insides before I felt it come out from my vagina; he cummed inside me. I could do nothing. Absolutely nothing. My body was still paralysed and as was my mind currently. I was here, but not here at the same time. I was looking through my eyes but not really seeing. I wish he would just kill me right now.

I watched Richard as he violated my body. He took something that was so priceless and meant everything for me, he took my virginity. He destroyed everything that i believed in, all the things that I dreamt of. He ruined my life and my future. I was waiting for my prince in shining armour to sweep me off my feet and rescue me from this world. After saving me like the prince he is, I wanted to reward him with something that nobody will receive from me- my virginity. I wanted my mate to do the honours of changing me, of making me completely his but now everything is ruined. Richard ruined me. He made me dirty and now forever unclean.

Mom always used to tell me that to get happiness and success as qualities in a person’s life; they had to go through difficulties and problems. She used to say that nothing good will come without any badness- all I’ve seen my whole life was absolute shit. All the stories she used to read me about princesses that were treated badly in the end they would find Prince Charming and he would save her, well I guess fairy tales are full of shit.

I don’t have a normal family. Well, wouldn’t call any of my kind normal because we turn into huge damned hairy animals that howl at the moon. We grow fangs, claws and lose our damn mind just like a bloody wild creature. We shouldn’t be real. We all should be mythical creatures that exist in stories and movies. We are supposed to be human. Normal humans that live like normal humans do. I want a life where I would want to worry about what to wear to school or if I should talk to my crush or not. I never asked to turn into a hairy dog that runs around. I envy Ria’s life. She wishes that she could be a werewolf and I wish to be a human; how ironic.

After Richard was finally done, he stood up and grinned down at me. this guy is seriously insane. Adolf Hitler would look more stable compared to this guys. He remained staring at me for a little bit before he exited the room with a loud bang. That’s when the waterworks resumed.


Btw Im sorry for taling so long to upload I lost my USB and had to rewrite the whole thing all over again.

Well I will for sure redo this whole chapter because it is too short. The complete version is pretty long I just had to give you something asap.

The complete and original version I uploaded on my wall you'd be able to see it under my stories. I didnt notice it had so much mature content in it that wattpad wouldnt allow me to post it as pg-13 even if i cut more than half of it out.

Well dont forget to comment your thoughts, vote, fan etc etc.....

The restricted version had more detail and is a bit different than this chapter Ill restart on this chapter asap.

Well I hope you enjoyed it :)

Restricted chapter link:

or type in 5125083 in the search bar on wattpad. The restricted chapter can only be seen by my fans as it is wattpad rules and crap....ummm well hope you enjoy it!

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