Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Alpha Connor's POV

Liam’s howl of anger shook the earth down to its core. The rage and pain powering it practically knocked us all down. He increased his speed to the point where he shook the ground and brought down anything that came in his way, be it a plant or a helpless animal.

Liam and I ran side by side, with the rest of our pack behind us. Everyone was here excluding the bastard Richard. I'm going to kill him when I get my hands on him. All the pain he put my mate through, everything that he's put the pack through; I'm going to take his puny soul with a plastic fork.

            I loathe myself for helping him. At first he seemed so innocent, so painfully and manipulatively innocent that he tricked us all. That is his gift after all. He can convince you to kill yourself and you wouldn't even hesitate to comply.

            I can’t believe, nor am I willing to believe that I actually bought his sob story; I'm an Alpha for god’s sake! How he fooled me was beyond any reasoning, he is that good. I can still remember the exact words that fucker told me.

“I was walking out of the guest bedroom and about to go down the stairs of the pack house when I heard something break,” Richard said, slightly distracted “I approached the room as fast as I could, hoping that nobody got hurt.” A tear, slowly made its way out of the corner of his eye down the side of his face. “I expected to see Rosaline standing guiltily staring down at a broken antique vase that her mother collects, or Angeline, my baby cousin that was about to turn eleven in a couple weeks, crying and trying to pick up a shattered plate. But what I saw was beyond anything I could control or think. My aunt was lying on the ground, her face towards where I was standing. It was the look, the far and distant look in her eyes that sent gasping for breath. I don’t know how long she stared at me, with the empty, vacant eyes before I looked away only to find, none other than Rosaline sitting on top of her, the fingers of her right hand curled around the silver dagger that was driven straight through her heart.

“I couldn’t think. How can an eleven year old do that? I didn’t know what to do so I did what came to my mind first, I screamed. Pathetic for a twelve year old wolf I know, but I didn’t know what to do. Seeing the body of your dead aunt lying lifeless on the ground would make all rational thinking escape your head.” Richard’s eyes were now leaking tears, his lower lip shaking slightly. When he saw me looking he wiped the tears with his hands, cleared his throat and continued talking. “Clarinet, my aunt, had a mate. He wasn’t her true mate, but one that was arranged for her. Her parents sold her to Balthazar draggier who happened to be very influential rogue with lots, and I mean lots of connections. She was unhappy with him throughout the whole time they were together, even after they had Angele and Erik so she left him and ran away with her daughter. I knew that she joined Alpha Kurt’s pack as she has kept in touch with me, but it hurt me deeply to know that she was working as a housekeeper.

“My parent, as you know, died a long time ago and all the family I had was Clarinet. I was already part of your pack and when Alexandra and Mark decided to leave, I suggested that she sends Liam and Rosaline to join the William’s pack. I don’t want to give off the wrong intentions, but I want Rosaline to suffer and feel how hard it is to live without any family.”

            I didn’t think twice of his words, of his story. Instead I didn’t blame him and allowed him to torture her every single day; to treat her like dirt off of the ground. A menacing growl erupted from deep within my chest, rumbling through my mouth that was curled up in a snarl. With my ears flat against my head, I dropped my head lower to the ground gaining a little more speed; each paw slamming against the ground in anger. I'm sure the vibrations of the earth could be felt hundreds of miles away.

                We all ran as fast as we could, trying to cover as much ground as we can in the smallest amount of time. We have to hurry before they hurt her, or do something worse to her. I don't want to lose her, I can’t. I will kill everyone slowly and extremely painfully before I kill myself.

            After running at full speed for god knows how long, we finally burst out of the thick, luscious trees and into the grounds of the so-called 'pack house'. We all came to an abrupt stop in the clearing, panting with the need of oxygen.

            I dropped my head down to the ground and closed my eyes. Clearing all thoughts out of my head, I listened onto the inside, searching for one particular voice but was unsuccessful. So I did the only thing I could think of, I strained my ears and listened to the heartbeats. A perk of being an alpha was our ability to hear and sense farther than any normal werewolf could.

            The first thing I heard was the heartbeats of my pack. Some were excited, some nervous but one; Liam’s heartbeat spoke in gushes and waves of anger and hate. I focused a little more, listening as hard as I could.

            At first, I heard nine, abnormal and very familiar heart beats. Instead of having the same heartbeat but slightly faster than a human, theirs was different. It was off, as if it was a heartbeat of a reptile; slow and vicious.

            I was about to give up but then I heard it. Deep, inside the house was a slow, unsteady heartbeat; a heartbeat too slow for a werewolf.

My heart almost ripped out of my ribcage when I knew that this slow, barely beating heart was my mates, my Rosaline.

Deep, ferocious, and raw anger took over my body, making me see red. I had to get to her, I had to.

I took one step closer to the house, my claws elongating longer than they have before; my fangs growing larger and sharper, practically reaching further down my chin just like a cyber-tooth. I wanted my mate, we wanted my mate. My wolf shuddered with the anger rippling through us.

I barely heard the loud howl over my pounding ears, as I felt as stiff as a British bulldog. The anger solidifying every inch of my body not even one muscle able to twitch.

I almost missed the loud howl. A howl, challenging those that are of earshot to a duel until death. With all my might I turned my head towards my left, where I saw Liam’s wolf standing beside me; literally. I have never seen anything like it but thinking was the last thing on my mind right now. His wolf was now standing on his hind legs, just like an ape. The fur on his body was so long that it was falling in thick waves all over his body. He was huge and resembled nothing like the werewolf he used to be. His fangs grew longer than before, both the top and bottom exceeding past both of his lips. I am truly amazed.

Punching that thought out of my mind, I focused on the most important thing currently at stake. My first priority was to save my mate.

Turning my head back towards the house, I tilted it to the side enjoying the cracking my neck made. I let out a howl of before I broke out into a run.


I am sooo sorry for taking so long! i hope you enjoyed this chapter

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