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song of the day is Gotye feat. Kimbra - "Somebody That I Used To Know".... reminds me of grand theft auto san andreas.

Chapter 21

            Rosaline/Melissa’s POV

            I was walking outside in the freezing winter weather. A blanket of snow covered the withered and dead plants and the not so green grass. I tightened the sweater I wore over my long sleeved blue shirt, my teeth chattering and my fingers frozen in place; I couldn’t even feel my nose. The sky was still dark with street lights illuminating the streets, the wind was blowing through my hair making it flutter and fly everywhere. I guess some things never change and when things are too good to be true, they're too good to be true. Erik gave me rides for I don’t know, two days of school? Then they all left me all alone and they didn’t even bother calling me to check on me, so much for having loving parents I snorted.

            I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn’t acknowledge the jeep that passed by and pulled up a couple meters ahead of me. “Hey you!” I heard a female voice shout making me gasp and jerk away from my thoughts. I stared wide-eyed through the passenger seat window and looked at the driver’s seat where I saw a girl with a cap on her head while she looked at me like I was stupid. “Are you crazy? It’s so cold outside and you’re walking!” she practically screamed at me. All I could do was stare at her dumbfounded. “Come on hop in! We’re wasting time!” she waved her hand crazily at me. I know we aren’t supposed to get into cars with strangers but that was a request I couldn’t turn down, it truly was freezing and the wind wasn’t helping at all.

            I slowly opened the passenger door and sat inside unsure. I didn’t say anything as I was truly unsure of what to do, never have I been in this situation before. This is the second car I’ve been in since I can remember, first being Erik’s car as lame as that sounds. My life sounds like a really bad movie that just wouldn’t end. “Why in god’s name are you walking outside? You could get hypothermia!” she yelled at me the second I closed the car door. The inside of the vehicle was very warm and not even a second later I felt like my body was warming up making my eyes close. My eyes snapped open and looked at the girl who was still staring at me. I gulped and tried to speak through my frozen cheeks and numb chin.

            “I-I dd-ddidnt h-have aa rr-ride” my voice came out stuttering and raspy making me cringe a bit.

            “Oh dear god you could’ve frozen to death! What kind of jacket is that!” I felt heat creep to my face, making the numbness and coldness fade away slowly. “Do you always walk?” her head tilted to the side waiting for my answer. I looked down and nodded slowly, very ashamed. “Well I’ll be driving you from now on, seen as our routes are on the same road.” I was shocked but I managed to smile at her and replied a small thank you. The whole ride to wherever was silent with my eyes closed. Once the car stopped and I heard the engine turn off, I opened my eyes to see we were in the school parking lot.

            “How did you know I was coming here?” I asked her with a frown which she returned with a smile.

            “If you haven’t noticed, I'm in practically every single class of yours.” She shrugged then opened the door and waved me out. I opened the door and stepped out of the warm haven and was greeted by a strong gush of wind that made my eyes water. The wind felt extra irritating because I'm wearing contacts. I softly closed the door to the jeep and made my way to the front of the car where the girl was waiting for me impatiently, jumping up and down a bit probably to keep herself warm. Once I reached her she grabbed my hand and led me to school. The second we stepped through the school doors, she released a long sigh of relief. She removed the cap she was wearing, allowing her black hair to fall freely against her shoulders. She ran her hand through her hair and straightened her clothes out. “I'm Arianna by the way, or you can just call me Ria if you like.” She gave me a large smile that made her eyes twinkle.

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