Karma's A Bitch(14)

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Chapter 14: Karma's A Bitch

* Rebeccas POV *

The next day..

I chase after her as she enters the girls restroom. By the time I get in there she's already applying some lipstick and checking her make up. She notices we from the mirror and smirks.

" Look at what the cat dragged in." She hums and smacks her lips together to distribute her lipstick.

"Rebecca what a pleasure to see you." Her voice was dripping in sarcasm.

" It's never a pleasure to see you Sarah. I came to give you this." I hold her phone in hand are her eyes widen.

" Where did you get that?" She says about to snatch it.

I move my hand away." I found it, just like I found out what you have in there..."

She locks her jaw and turns her hands into fists, "Give me my phone you whore! You have no business going through my phone!"

" And you have no business taking videos of me and Jaxon." I retort back, anger siping out my mouth.

She rushes towards me." I can sue you for hacking me phone! Don't think you're on top right now Rebecca because your not. You're shallow and you always will be."

Her face grew red and so did her neck. Her whole body tensed up, getting ready to explode. My face is a few inches away from her and she grows in anger and rage.

" I never thought you were the type to be a druggy. Go and sue me but you'll be the shallow one, you know. Since you'll be locked in jail." I reply.

I walk away and before I leave I turn around and throw her phone, and catches it.

" Karmas a bitch."

Was I really gonna snitch on her because she had pictures of weed and cocaine in her phone?


I'm not gonna be like Sata- Sarah but I do want her how it feels to live in fear... So that's what I gave her. Now she'll be on the low because she thinks I told the cops. Now she knows not to play with me. Only I saw those pictures since I was the one who searched threw her phone when we hacked it.

I'm not planning on telling anyone.

" Do you think Josh will like this dress?" Charlotte asks while reading a magazine in the school lounge.

" So, are you guys like a thing now or something?" I finally asked.

She smiles." Yea.. I guess we are... Can you believe you got into a relationship with Jaxon before me? I can't thats for sure."

I chuckle." I never thought I would be in a relationship, I was actually thinking about becoming lesbian for a while."

I don't get a response back and I look at Charlotte who was staring at me with her mouth dropped.

" What I was really lonely." I shrug.

She goes back to read her magazine and I read my book The Book Thief as I drink my coffee for a while. Students and teacher pass by as I feel the breeze come towards me. Everything is relaxing until some interupts my quite happy wonderful reading.

" Hey, amor." Jaxon says as he plants a sweet kiss on my lips.

I couldn't get over it. The way his lips melded perfect with mine and the warmth it gave me. The way chills ran down my spine and how my heart skipped a beat...

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